Psychology Questions and Answers for Competitive Exams | Psychology Quiz Set 4

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1 Activation of anterior portions of both hemispheres is associated with the __________ of emotions, while activation of the posterior portions of the hemispheres is associated with __________ .
1 expressions; moods
2 valence; arousal
3 intensity; expressions
4 arousal; valence

Answer:valence; arousal
2 Signal detection theory identifies two distinct processes in sensory detection :

(a) sensory process

(b) decision process

(c) motivational process

(d) response bias


1 (a) and (b) only
2 (c) and (d) only
3 (a) and (c) only
4 (a) and (d) only

Answer:(a) and (b) only
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3 Creative thinking is different from routine problem solving in respect of :

(a) Fluency

(b) Flexibility

(c) Originality

(d) Day dreaming


1 (a) and (b)
2 (b) and (c)
3 (c) and (d)
4 (a), (b) and (c)

Answer:(a), (b) and (c)
4 The Wechsler type deviation IQ of 115 corresponds to which value of percentile rank ?
1 68
2 84
3 90
4 9

5 Handling feelings appropriately, ability to soothe oneself, and ability to shake off rampant anxiety are the characteristics of which of the components of Emotional Intelligence as proposed by Goleman ?
1 Knowing one’s emotions
2 Managing emotions
3 Motivating oneself
4 Handling relationships

Answer:Managing emotions
6 In selection process, Guilford - Zimmerman Test assesses :
1 Mathematical and Verbal skills.
2 Mental and Personal profile.
3 Extent of temperamental adaptability.
4 Analytical and Verbal Skills.

Answer:Extent of temperamental adaptability.
7 ‘Mechanistic Behaviour Analyses’ are characterised as :

a. Behaviour is instigated by the onset of external or internal stimuli.

b. Direction of behaviour is determined by S-R bonds or habits.

c. Behaviour directed toward the goal persists till the achievement of goal.

d. Events related to the goal achievement are encoded, categorised, and transformed into a belief


1 (a) and (b) correct ; (c) and (d) are incorrect.
2 (b) and (c) correct ; (a) and (d) are incorrect.
3 (a), (b) and (c) are correct ; (d) is incorrect.
4 (b), (c) and (d) are correct ; (a) is incorrect.

Answer:(a), (b) and (c) are correct ; (d) is incorrect.
8 Guilford (1981) in his modified SOI model mentioned hierarchical structure of intellectual abilities reporting that there are __________ first order factors ; __________ second order factors; and __________ third order factors.
1 150 ; 85 ; 20
2 120 ; 80 ; 20
3 150 ; 85 ; 16
4 180 ; 75 ; 18

Answer:150 ; 85 ; 16
9 The inter-item correlations would be :
1 Biserial correlations
2 Kendall’s tau
3 Phi-coefficients
4 Point-biserial correlations

10 Which one of the following method of factor extraction, the psychologist would NOT use in the present study ?
1 Principal axes method
2 Principal components method
3 Psychometric (alpha) factor analysis
4 Maximum likelihood method

Answer:Principal components method
11 The second-order factor analysis of the nine rotated factors is not recommended in the present study because :
1 There are only nine first-order factors.
2 The interfactor correlations are zero.
3 The factors obtained by common-factor model are not subjected to second-order factor analysis.
4 Unrotated factors are more suitable for second-order factor analysis.

Answer:The interfactor correlations are zero.
12 Arrange the clinical scales of MMPI - II in correct sequence.
1 (1) Depression → Hypochondriasis → Hysteria → Psychopathic Deviate → Masculinity-Feminity → Paranoia → Psychasthenia → Schizophrenia → Hypomania → Social Introversion
2 (2) Hypochondriasis → Depression → Hysteria → Psychopathic Deviate → MasculinityFeminity → Paranoia → Psychasthenia → Schizophrenia → Hypomania → Social Introversion
3 (3) Social Introversion → Hypomania → Hypochondriasis → Depression → Hysteria → Psychopathic Deviate → Masculinity-Feminity → Paranoia → Psychasthenia → Schizophrenia
4 (4) Social introversion → Hypomania → Schizophrenia → Psychasthenia → Paranoia → Masculinity-Feminity → Psychopathic deviate → Hysteria → Depression → Hypochondriasis

Answer: (2) Hypochondriasis → Depression → Hysteria → Psychopathic Deviate → MasculinityFeminity → Paranoia → Psychasthenia → Schizophrenia → Hypomania → Social Introversion
13 Allport defined personality as :
1 Response style
2 Social stimulus value
3 Intervening variable
4 Thinking style

Answer:Intervening variable
14 Concepts allow us to identify things without _________.
1 Learning
2 Relearning
3 Recognition
4 Remembering

15 Below given are some concepts. Indicate which is the correct sequence in terms of levels of increasing abstraction ?
  • Concepts are :
  • (a) Negation concept

    (b) Alternative denial concept

    (c) Disjunction concept


    1 (a), (b), (c)
    2 (a), (c), (b)
    3 (b), (a), (c)
    4 (c), (b), (a)

    Answer:(a), (b), (c)

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