1. Procedural memory
2. Episodic memory
3. Semantic memory
4. Autobiographical memory
Answer:2, 3 and 4
1. Procedural memory
2. Episodic memory
3. Semantic memory
4. Autobiographical memory
Answer:2, 3 and 4
Assertion (A) : We can process information very quickly and perform complex tasks quickly and accurately.
Reason (R) : Brain processes information in a serial fashion.
Answer:Both (A) and (R) are true, but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A).
Answer:2 and 3
Answer:Personal Orientation Inventory
Answer:The Fixed – Interval Scallop
Answer:Universal helplessness
Answer:(A) is true, but (R) is false.
Answer:Deep – Phrase structure
Answer:The tendency to perceive the simplest and most stable figure of all possible perceptual alternatives.
Answer:Confirmation bias
Answer:Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is correct explanation of (A).
Answer:Electrical stimulation
Answer:Below that critical level of I.Q. the relationship is positive and above that level zero relationship.
Answer:Hallucinations and Bizarre behaviour