Public Administration Questions and Answers for Competitive Exams | Public Administration Quiz - MCQs Set 11

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1 Which of the following is not a part of ‘Saptang theory’ propounded by Kautilya ?
1 Janpada
2 Danda
3 Mitra
4 Purohit

Answer: Purohit
2 Which of the following is a feature of New Public Administration ?
1 Positivist
2 Technical
3 Anti-hierarchical
4 Rigid

Answer: Anti-hierarchical
3 Which of the following is not included in the concept of 3Es that emerged of Third Minnowbrook Conference ?
1 Economy
2 Ethics
3 Efficiency
4 Effectiveness

Answer: Ethics
4 The contributors to Structural Functional Theory are
1 Robert Merton and Harold Lasswell
2 Herbert Spencer and Robert Dahl
3 Robert Merton and Herbert Spencer
4 Harold Lasswell and Robert Dahl

Answer: Robert Merton and Herbert Spencer
5 Which one of following is not a part of Karl Marx’s concept of bureaucracy ?
1 Bureaucracy is a particular closed society within the state.
2 Bureaucracy is an integral part of the exploitative social system.
3 Hierarchy and secrecy are considered as tools of competence.
4 As a parasite designed to maintain status quo.

Answer: Hierarchy and secrecy are considered as tools of competence.
6 Which of the following match is not correct ?
1 Zone of the Indifference – Chester I. Barnard
2 Dual Supervision – J.D. Millet
3 Exploitative Authoritative System – Mary Parker Follett
4 Concept of Gangplank – Henri Fayol

Answer: Exploitative Authoritative System – Mary Parker Follett
7 Who among the following has studied the impact of computers (information technology) on hierarchical pyramid of an organization ?
1 Herbert Simon
2 Peter Drucker
3 John Pfiffner and Robert Presthus
4 Dimock and Dimock

Answer: John Pfiffner and Robert Presthus
8 Which one of following is not a function of staff agencies according to Mooney ?
1 Informative Function
2 Advisory Function
3 Planning Function
4 Supervisory Function

Answer: Planning Function
9 Which one of the following is not a correct criticism of Herzberg’s Two Factor Theory ?
1 The procedure used by Herzberg is limited by its methodology.
2 The reliability of his methodology is questionable.
3 Herzberg stresses only on production and not at satisfaction.
4 No overall measure of satisfaction was utilised.

Answer: Herzberg stresses only on production and not at satisfaction.
10 The assumption that ‘people in organization are lazy, not inclined to work and they are forced to work’ is attributed to
1 Two Factor Theory of Herzberg
2 Theory ‘Y’ of McGregor
3 ERG Theory of Alderfer
4 Theory ‘X’ of McGregor

Answer: Theory ‘X’ of McGregor
11 Which of the following is incorrect regarding features of democratic leadership ?
1 Participatory
2 Employee oriented
3 Production oriented
4 Idiographic

Answer: Production oriented
12 Charles Lindblom and David Braybrooke in ‘A Strategy of Decision’ provided the concept of
1 Disjoined – Incrementalism
2 Rent Seeking
3 Bounded Rationality
4 Bureau Shaping

Answer: Disjoined – Incrementalism
13 Who defined power as “The probability that one actor within a social relationship will be in a position to carry out his own will, despite resistance” ?
1 Karl Marx
2 Max Weber
3 Robert Michels
4 Reinhard Beudix

Answer: Robert Michels
14 A proposal of cut motion to reduce the demand for grants by ` 100 is known as
1 Token cut motion
2 Economic cut motion
3 Policy cut motion
4 Financial cut motion

Answer: Token cut motion
15 Which one of the following departments directly comes under PMO ?
1 Department of Bio-Technology (DBT)
2 Department of Science and Technology (DST)
3 Department of Atomic Energy (DAE)
4 Department of Scientific and Industrial Research (DSIR)

Answer: Department of Atomic Energy (DAE)

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