Public Administration Questions and Answers for Competitive Exams | Public Administration Quiz - MCQs Set 13

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1 Which Prime Minister of Britain established a cabinet secretariat to organize the business of the war cabinet and to serve the committee of Imperial Defence ?
1 Lloyd George
2 Sir Robert Walpole
3 Bonar law
4 Winston Churchill

Answer: Lloyd George
2 World Trade Organization (WTO) replaced which one of the following ?
1 General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT)
2 International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD)
3 Food and Agriculture Organization of U.N. (FAO)
4 International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD)

Answer: General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT)
3 Which of the following statements is not correct regarding the focus of New Approaches of Development Administration (1990s) ?
1 An enabling administration
2 Management culture
3 Micromanagement
4 Decentralization and Managerial Autonomy

Answer: Micromanagement
4 Which one of following is not a creation under Civil Service Reform Act 1978 in U.S.A. ?
1 Federal Bureau of Investigation
2 Office of Personnel Management
3 Federal Labour Relations Authority
4 U.S. Merit System Protection Board

Answer: Federal Bureau of Investigation
5 Which one of the following commission is not under the control of the Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment ?
1 National Commission for the Scheduled Castes
2 National Commission for the Scheduled Tribes
3 National Commission for Backward Classes
4 National Commission for Safai Karamacharis

Answer: National Commission for the Scheduled Tribes
6 A statutory National Commission for Minorities was constituted for the first time in the year
1 1992
2 1994
3 1993
4 2000

Answer: 1993
7 Which one of the following is not a goal in Millennium Development Goals, 2000 ?
1 To ensure environment sustainability
2 To promote gender equality and to empower women
3 To provide housing for all
4 To achieve universal primary education

Answer: To provide housing for all
8 Part IX-B of Indian Constitution is related with which of the following ?
1 The Panchayats
2 The Municipalities
3 The Co-operative Societies
4 The Scheduled and Tribal Areas

Answer: The Co-operative Societies
9 Which of the following provisions in Part IX of the Constitution is not the discretion of the state government ?
1 Powers of the Gram Sabha
2 Powers, authority and responsibilities of Panchayats
3 Powers to impose taxes by the Panchayats
4 Direct election to seats at all the three tiers of Panchayats.

Answer: Direct election to seats at all the three tiers of Panchayats.
10 Which of the following is not the objective of social audit ?
1 To enhance the efficiency of the local development programmes.
2 To raise awareness among the beneficiaries of programmes.
3 To establish democratic values and good governance.
4 To replace the existing audit system.

Answer: To replace the existing audit system.
11 Development and Poverty Alleviation to the 13th Finance Commission ?
1 Urban local bodies should never be given powers to issue municipal bonds.
2 Unproductive and non-viable taxes should be abolished.
3 Performance budgeting and social audit should be introduced.
4 Borrowings can be one of the primary sources of capital funding for municipalities

Answer: Urban local bodies should never be given powers to issue municipal bonds.
12 Which of the following statements about the importance of the State Finance Commission in the scheme of fiscal decentralization is correct ?
1 Arbitrating on the claims to resources of the state government by the local bodies makes the state government more accountable.
2 The recommendations impart greater stability and predictability to the transfer mechanism.
3 The accepted recommendations of the SFC are fully implemented.
4 The SFC invariably consists of people of eminence and competence.

Answer: The recommendations impart greater stability and predictability to the transfer mechanism.
13 Which one of the following models is not directly related to policy implementation ?
1 The mobilization model (Cobb et al)
2 Top-down models (Pressman and Wildavsky)
3 Bottom-up models (Lipsky)
4 Hybrid models (Mayntz)

Answer: The mobilization model (Cobb et al)
14 Which one of the following is not an aspect of policy analysis ?
1 Identification of objectives
2 Strengthening policy formulation
3 Specification of alternatives
4 Monitoring policy outcomes

Answer: Strengthening policy formulation
15 Which of the following is not correct regarding the Ministry of Women and Child Development ?
1 It is the apex body for formulation and administration of rules and regulations relating to women and children.
2 It came into existence as a full-fledged ministry on 30th January, 2006.
3 Before becoming a Ministry, it was a department under the Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment
4 Kisori Shakti Yojana is one of its schemes for girls nutrition.

Answer: Before becoming a Ministry, it was a department under the Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment

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