Public Administration Questions and Answers for Competitive Exams | Public Administration Quiz - MCQs Set 15

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1 The digital era has ushered in a new kind of journalism in which citizens play a greater role in news making for development of society. This is known as ?
1 Yellow Journalism
2 Advocacy Journalism
3 Citizen Journalism
4 Investigation Journalism

Answer: Citizen Journalism
2 Which of the following institution and mechanism outside the state is considered highly effective for promoting accountability by the second administrative reforms commission
1 Citizen’s Charter
2 Civil society
3 Media
4 Elections

Answer: Elections
3 ‘The state shall endeavour to protect and improve the environment and wildlife of the country.’ This is reflected in which of the following ?
1 Resolutions of UN Habitat
2 Article 48-A of the Indian Constitution
3 Directions of the Green Tribunal
4 Resolution of the Indian Parliament

Answer: Article 48-A of the Indian Constitution
4 Which one of the following is not a characteristic of scientific method ?
1 Reliance on empirical evidences
2 Intra subjectivity
3 Generality
4 Predictions based on probability

Answer: Intra subjectivity
5 Conducting literature review in a research study does not refer to
1 Analysis of previous research on the topic.
2 Reading and analyzing published material.
3 Gathering previous published ideas.
4 Testing hypotheses of the proposed research study.

Answer: Testing hypotheses of the proposed research study.
6 Closed ended questions entail
1 Fixed range of answers
2 Detailed and elaborate responses
3 Demographic characteristics of respondents related questions
4 Personal information questions

Answer: Fixed range of answers
7 Which one of following is not correct about Endnotes and Footnotes while writing a research paper ?
1 Endnotes are placed at the end of the paper before bibliography
2 These are the tools to include additional information
3 Personal observations/comments cannot be expressed in endnotes and footnotes.
4 Endnote and Footnotes are used to tell the source of idea to the reader

Answer: Personal observations/comments cannot be expressed in endnotes and footnotes.
8 Who among following emphasizes the importance of learning from different experiences to evolve a meaningful methodology to understand the contextual particularities of comparative public administration is varied socio-economic and political circumstances ?
1 Fred Riggs
2 Farrel Heady
3 Comparative Administrative Group
4 Third Minnowbrook Conference

Answer: Third Minnowbrook Conference
9 Which one of the following is not included in 4Ps through which Donald Stone analysed Development administration ?
1 Plan
2 Policies
3 Projects
4 Performance

Answer: Performance
10 In most of the states of United States of America, the lowest local government authority is known as
1 Boroughs
2 Parishes
3 Counties
4 Township

Answer: Counties
11 Which of the following statements is not correct regarding the Ministry of Tribal Affairs, Government of India ?
1 It came into existence in 1999.
2 It was carved out from the Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment.
3 It was carved out from the Ministry of Social Welfare.
4 Tribal development and welfare is its main objective.

Answer: It was carved out from the Ministry of Social Welfare.
12 The Central Public Sector Enterprises are classified into strategic and non-strategic enterprises. Which of the following is not classified as strategic Public Sector Enterprise ?
1 Arms and Ammunition
2 Iron and Steel
3 Atomic energy
4 Railway transport

Answer: Iron and Steel
13 Which of the following is not a goal of Decentralization ?
1 Ensuring participation in Decision making.
2 Addressing diversity in ecosystem and social groups.
3 Attempting conflict resolution between State and Central Government.
4 Aiming at decreasing role of sub-ordinates.

Answer: Aiming at decreasing role of sub-ordinates.
14 Which one of the following statements about the objectives behind setting up of State Finance Commission is not correct ?
1 It is intended to bring greater transparency to fiscal transfers from state to local government.
2 It will bring greater rule-based criteria of transfer of funds.
3 It would bring greater clarify to the functional responsibilities of the local governments.
4 It will usher in more responsive and accountable system of local governance.

Answer: It would bring greater clarify to the functional responsibilities of the local governments.
15 Which of the following is not a ground for the courts to intervene in the administrative cases ?
1 Lack of Jurisdiction
2 Error of Law
3 Error of Authority
4 Matters notified under the IX schedule of the constitution

Answer: Matters notified under the IX schedule of the constitution

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