Public Administration Questions and Answers for Competitive Exams | Public Administration Quiz - MCQs Set 16

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1 The recommendation to set up statewide municipal cadre under integrated personnel system was first made by which of the following committee/commission ?
1 Committee on service conditions of Municipal Employees
2 Central government’s High Powered Expert Committee on urbanization
3 Second Administrative Reforms Commission
4 12th plan Steering Committee on urbanization

Answer: Committee on service conditions of Municipal Employees
2 Which one of the following is not a subject of 12th schedule of the Constitution ?
1 Women and Child Development
2 Roads and Bridges
3 Planning for economics and social development
4 Planning for economics and social development

Answer: Women and Child Development
3 Which one of the following variable is dropped by 14th Finance Commission in effecting horizontal devolution of funds to the States ?
1 Population
2 Fiscal Discipline
3 Area
4 Forest Cover

Answer: Fiscal Discipline
4 Department of personnel and training of Central Government is under which of the following ministries ?
1 Home Affairs
2 Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions
3 Human Resource Development
4 Ministry of Law and Justice

Answer: Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions
5 Which one of following is not characteristic of British Constitution ?
1 Flexible Constitution
2 Supremacy of Parliament
3 Unitary Government
4 Based on separation of powers

Answer: Based on separation of powers
6 National Rural Employment Guarantee Act, 2005 was launched on which of the following date
1 2nd February, 2005
2 2nd February, 2006
3 2nd October, 2005
4 2nd October, 2006

Answer: 2nd February, 2006
7 Which one of the following is a feature of an informal organization ?
1 Legal status
2 Shared values and common standards of behaviour
3 Primacy of structure
4 Permanence

Answer: Shared values and common standards of behaviour
8 Who among the following has given the concept of routinization of charismatic authority
1 Max Weber
2 Robert Merton
3 Oliver Sheldon
4 Philip Selznick

Answer: Max Weber
9 In order to address the difficulties due to lack of coordination among various governmental institutions/agencies, the Third Minnowbrook Conference introduced a new concept of
1 boundary spanning
2 Inter operability
3 Inter disciplinary
4 Supportive collaborative research

Answer: Inter operability
10 Which of the following is not the method to keep the employee’s morale high ?
1 Creating an ownership feeling among employees of the organization.
2 Recognize and celebrate significant work achievements of the employees
3 Restraining employees from undertaking any community service.
4 Train employees to develop friendly culture and positive attitudes.

Answer: Restraining employees from undertaking any community service.
11 The processes that account for an individual’s intensity, direction and persistence of effort toward attaining a goal in an organization is called
1 Direction
2 Control
3 Leadership
4 Motivation

Answer: Motivation
12 Which of the following reasons is not the justification for delegated legislation ?
1 Certain emergency situation requires speedy and appropriate action.
2 Parliament has no time for the consideration of complicated and technical matters
3 Certain matters covered by delegated legislation are of technical nature that require handling by experts.
4 Delegated legislation facilitates and protects the liberties of the people.

Answer: Delegated legislation facilitates and protects the liberties of the people.
13 Leader-Participation model of leadership is developed by which of the following ?
1 Robert House
2 J.P. Kotter
3 Victor Vroom and Yetton
4 R. Kahn and D. Katz

Answer: Victor Vroom and Yetton
14 Which one of the following statements about Managerial Grid Theory of Blake and Mouton is false ?
1 In impoverished style managers have low concern for both people and production.
2 In country club management style managers have high concern for people and low concern for production.
3 In team management style managers have high concern for production only.
4 In middle of the road style managers maintain a balance between company goals and workers’ needs

Answer: In team management style managers have high concern for production only.
15 Herzberg’s ‘Hygiene Factor’ of motivation means which of the following ?
1 Sanitation
2 Maintenance
3 Responsibility
4 Challenges

Answer: Maintenance

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