Public Administration Questions and Answers for Competitive Exams | Public Administration Quiz - MCQs Set 18

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1 Development, according to Riggs “ is a process of increasing autonomy of social systems, made possible by rising levels of diffraction”. In the light of this, select which one of the following is not correct ?
1 Increasing autonomy means discretion
2 Discretion means the ability to choose among alternatives
3 Diffraction means degree of differentiation in a social system
4 It also means creating disintegration in a social system.

Answer: It also means creating disintegration in a social system.
2 Which of the following a is not the structural feature of the Agraria model ?
1 Pre-dominance of a scriptive, particularistic, and diffuse patterns
2 Stable local groups and vast spatial mobility
3 Relatively simple and stable “occupational” differentiation
4 A deferential stratification system of diffuse impact

Answer: Stable local groups and vast spatial mobility
3 Which of the following committees made recommendations on the political rights of the civil servants of United Kingdom ?
1 John H. Whitley Committee
2 Sir John Whyatt Committee
3 The Masterman Committee
4 Lord Nolen Committee

Answer: The Masterman Committee
4 Which one of the following is not the qualification for the President of USA ?
1 He should be a natural born US citizen
2 He should have attained atleast 35 years of age
3 He should be a US resident for atleast 10 years.
4 He should not have completed two terms of the Presidency.

Answer: He should be a US resident for atleast 10 years.
5 Which of the following is not a feature of the Pendleton Act of 1883 ?
1 It abolished the Jacksonian spoils system partially
2 It firmly established the merit system.
3 It established the United States Civil Service Commission.
4 Its actions are subject to judicial review and can be declared void.

Answer: Its actions are subject to judicial review and can be declared void.
6 Which one of the following is not the result of the Bretton Woods Conference held in July 1944 ?
1 Articles of Agreement to create IMF
2 Articles of Agreement to create IBRD
3 Recommendations for international cooperation.
4 Recommended a proposal to create WTO in coming years.

Answer: Recommended a proposal to create WTO in coming years.
7 Gender discrimination is prohibited under which of the following provisions of Directive Principles of State Policy ?
1 Article 39
2 Article 40
3 Article 41
4 Article 42

Answer: Article 39
8 Which one of the following is excluded from the jurisdiction of the Department of Social Justice and Empowerment, Government of India ?
1 Scheduled castes
2 Scheduled tribes
3 Economically backward classes
4 Socially and educationally backward classes

Answer: Scheduled tribes
9 When was the Central Social Welfare Board established ?
1 January, 1953
2 August, 1953
3 October, 1953
4 August, 1954

Answer: August, 1953
10 Under National Health Mission community volunteers are called ASHAs. In this acronym first and last ‘A’s stand respectively for which of the following ?
1 Active and Assistants
2 Accredited and Activists
3 Accredited and Actors
4 Active and Attendants

Answer: Accredited and Activists
11 Which of the following statement is incorrect regarding the Competition Commission of India ?
1 It was established in 2003 for the first time.
2 It replaced the MRTP Commission.
3 Its tenure is 3 years.
4 It is a tribunal to monitor healthy competition between the indigenous and foreign companies.

Answer: Its tenure is 3 years.
12 Which of the following statements about the industrial policy reforms introduced in India is not correct ?
1 The number of industries solely reserved for public sector is drastically reduced to three.
2 Investment by large industrial houses need a separate clearance under the MRTP Act.
3 Industrial licensing has been almost abolished.
4 A new competition law has been put in place to regulate anti-competitive behaviour

Answer: Investment by large industrial houses need a separate clearance under the MRTP Act.
13 In last round census identified slums in India in three different types. Which one of the following is not included in the categories ?
1 Identified
2 Notified
3 Recognised
4 Upcoming

Answer: Upcoming
14 How much weightage is accorded to the population as per 2011 Census by the Fourteenth Finance Commission in horizontal devolution formula devised for allocation of funds to a state ?
1 25 percent
2 17.5 percent
3 15 percent
4 10 percent

Answer: 10 percent
15 The concept of ‘Public Policy’ is not dealt by which of the following ?
1 Harold D. Lasswell
2 William Dunn
3 William A. Niskanen
4 Thomas R. Dye

Answer: William A. NiskanenSSSSS

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