Public Administration Questions and Answers for Competitive Exams | Public Administration Quiz - MCQs Set 20

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1 Which of the following is not a part of the Ethical Framework for Ministers as suggested by the second ARC ?
1 There should be a dedicated unit in the offices of the Prime Minister and the Chief Ministers to monitor the observance of code of ethics for ministers.
2 The code of ethics, code of conduct and the annual report should be put in the public domain
3 The Prime Minister should be duty bound to ensure the observance of the code of ethics.
4 The code of ethics should inter-alia include specific principles of the minister-civil servant relationship

Answer: The code of ethics should inter-alia include specific principles of the minister-civil servant relationship
2 Which one of the following recommendations is not suggested by second Administrative Reforms Commission regarding citizen’s initiatives for maintaining ethics ?
1 Citizen charter should be made effective
2 Civil society should be activated
3 Citizen may be involved in the assessment and maintenance of ethics
4 School awareness programmes should be introduced.

Answer: Civil society should be activated
3 ‘March rush’ a term used in budgetary practices is caused by
1 Audit
2 Expenditure
3 Financial transactions
4 Rule of lapse

Answer: Rule of lapse
4 Raising the level of nutrition and the standard of living and improving public health is the duty of the state under which of the provisions of the Constitution of India ?
1 Article 45
2 Article 46
3 Article 47
4 Article 48

Answer: Article 47
5 How many members in total from the categories of scheduled castes, scheduled tribes, other backward classes, minorities and women can be appointed to Lokpal in India as per the provisions of Lokpal and Lokayukta Act, 2013 ?
1 Not less than six
2 Not less than five
3 Not less than three
4 Not less than four

Answer: Not less than four
6 Which one of the following states has the highest level of police density as per National Crime Records Bureau Report (2011) ?
1 Bihar
2 Chhattisgarh
3 Uttar Pradesh
4 Mizoram

Answer: Mizoram
7 Which one of the following institutions for promoting horizontal accountability is outside the executive branch of the state ?
1 Lokayukta
2 Comptroller and Auditor General
3 Central Vigilance Commission
4 Central Bureau of Investigation

Answer: Central Bureau of Investigation
8 Which one of following is a random sampling ?
1 Which one of following is a random sampling ?
2 Multistage sampling
3 Convenience sampling
4 Judgement sampling

Answer: Multistage sampling
9 Research studies discovering and testing association of certain variables is known as
1 Exploratory studies
2 Descriptive studies
3 Diagnostic studies
4 Formulative studies

Answer: Diagnostic studies
10 Which one of the following characteristics of scientific method gets reflected in the statement “Science never imposes anything, science states. Science aims at nothing but making true and adequate statements about its objects.” ?
1 Commitment to objectivity
2 Generality
3 Ethical neutrality
4 Predictions based on probability

Answer: Ethical neutrality
11 Which one of the following is not a major bibliography style ?
1 American Psychology Association (APA)
2 Modern Language Association of America (MLA)
3 Chicago Style (Chicago Manual of Style)
4 United Press International Style (UPI)

Answer: United Press International Style (UPI)
12 Who among the following has identified development administration as ‘administration of planned change’ ?
1 U.L. Goswami
2 V.A. Panandikar
3 B.S. Khanna
4 Inayatulla

Answer: V.A. Panandikar
13 ‘Research in Comparative Public Administration should focus on all of the input conversion and output aspect of the administrative system.’ Who among following made this statement ?
1 Fred W. Riggs
2 Keith Henderson
3 John T. Dorsey, Jr
4 Dwight Waldo

Answer: John T. Dorsey, Jr
14 Which is not correct regarding the focus of ‘Neo-liberal Model’ of development ?
1 Minimal role of government
2 Minimal role of government
3 Outsourcing of services
4 Ensuring micro-economic stability

Answer: Ensuring micro-economic stability
15 In U.S.A., which of following Act prohibited the civil servants to engage in political activities while performing duties ?
1 The Pendleton Act
2 The Hatch Act
3 The Ramspeck Act
4 Civil Service Reform Act

Answer: The Hatch Act

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