Answer: Experts may be generally drawn locally and not from the jurisdiction outside of the district.
Answer: Experts may be generally drawn locally and not from the jurisdiction outside of the district.
Answer: Grand-in-Aid to Panchayats from consolidated fund of India
Answer: Making people’s participation in governance obligatory
Answer: It comprises of one Chairperson and five Members.
Answer: It comprises of one Chairman and three Members.
Answer: Bali Package Uruguay Resolution
Answer: Civil society is concerned with deregulating the government activities so that it becomes result oriented.
Answer: Pure Rationality Model
Answer: A public enterprise with a net asset value per share of ` 10 with a face value of ` 100 shall be applied for putting a public enterprise as very good.
Answer: The ratio of basic and for performance grant to a Gram Panchayat is 80 : 20.
Answer: Indicative ranking on the status of devolution based on the fulfillment of fundamental constitutional requirements
Answer: 2005 and 2009
Answer: National Rural Livelihood Mission (NRLM)
Answer: Developing capacities to deal with the changing local conditions
Answer: It is 100 percent centrally sponsored scheme.