Public Administration Questions and Answers for Competitive Exams | Public Administration Quiz - MCQs Set 8

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1 Which of the following recommendations is not made by the Ministry of Panchayati Raj, Government of India about the expert’s engagement in the District Planning Committee (DPC) ?
1 Experts could be taken on a part time basis, on assignment basis or full time basis as per the need.
2 It is for the state to determine the number of experts that can be drawn to assist the DPC
3 Experts could be assigned to work either individually or in teams
4 Experts may be generally drawn locally and not from the jurisdiction outside of the district.

Answer: Experts may be generally drawn locally and not from the jurisdiction outside of the district.
2 Which one of the following is not related to the jurisdiction of the State Finance Commission
1 Determination of taxes, duties and tolls which may be assigned to Panchayats
2 Grand-in-Aid to Panchayats from consolidated fund of India
3 Measures to improve financial position of Panchayats
4 Distribution between state and the Panchayats the net proceeds of taxes, duties, tolls and fees leviable by the state

Answer: Grand-in-Aid to Panchayats from consolidated fund of India
3 Which of the following is not the objective of social welfare ?
1 Helping the poor and vulnerable
2 Social problem mitigation
3 Making people’s participation in governance obligatory
4 Development of the weaker sections

Answer: Making people’s participation in governance obligatory
4 Which of the following statements is not correct regarding the National Commission for Scheduled Tribes ?
1 It was established in 2004.
2 The term of office of its Chairperson and Members is of 3 years and they can be reappointed for another term.
3 The Chairperson has been given the rank of Union Cabinet Minister and members that of a Secretary to Government of India.
4 It comprises of one Chairperson and five Members.

Answer: It comprises of one Chairperson and five Members.
5 Which of the following statements regarding the National Commission for Minorities is not correct ?
1 It came into existence as a statutory body on 5th July, 1993.
2 It comprises of one Chairman and three Members.
3 It deals with the minority communities as notified by the Government of India as such.
4 he safeguard of constitutional and legal rights of minorities is its main objective.

Answer: It comprises of one Chairman and three Members.
6 In 2013, a trade agreement at the 9th Ministerial Meeting of WTO was held. The agreement was known as :
1 Bali Package Uruguay Resolution
2 Doha Development Agreement
3 Uruguay Resolution
4 Hong Kong Declaration

Answer: Bali Package Uruguay Resolution
7 Which one of the following statements about the importance of Civil Society is not correct ?
1 The diversity of civil society will ensure that the State is not held captive by a few groups.
2 Civil society is a locus for recruiting new political leadership.
3 Civil society is concerned with deregulating the government activities so that it becomes result oriented.
4 Civil society resists authoritarianism.

Answer: Civil society is concerned with deregulating the government activities so that it becomes result oriented.
8 Which of the following model of Policy Formulation discussed by Y. Dror is the most criticised model ?
1 Incremental Change Model
2 Pure Rationality Model
3 Sequential Decision Model
4 Satisfying Model

Answer: Pure Rationality Model
9 Which of the following is not a recommendation of the Department of Economic Affairs of Ministry of Finance regarding the divesture procedure ?
1 Department of Public Enterprises shall select the Public Sector Enterprises to be divested.
2 The selected enterprises will be categorized as very good, good and average.
3 A public enterprise with a net asset value per share of ` 10 with a face value of ` 100 shall be applied for putting a public enterprise as very good.
4 The pricing formula adopted for the referred price is to be the profit earning capacity value method.

Answer: A public enterprise with a net asset value per share of ` 10 with a face value of ` 100 shall be applied for putting a public enterprise as very good.
10 Which one of the following statements about 14th Finance Commission’s recommendations for Panchyat is not correct ?
1 An amount of ` 2,00,292 crore (approximated) is assigned as grant to Panchayats.
2 The grant is in the form of basic grant and performance grant.
3 The ratio of basic and for performance grant to a Gram Panchayat is 80 : 20.
4 The performance grant will be effective from the year 2016 - 2017.

Answer: The ratio of basic and for performance grant to a Gram Panchayat is 80 : 20.
11 Which of the following is not a part of the project assigned to Tata Institute of Social Sciences on “The Rapid Assessment of the status of devolution of Powers and Resources across the states/UTs” ?
1 Assessment of the actual outcome of activity mapping
2 Indicative ranking on the status of devolution based on the fulfillment of fundamental constitutional requirements
3 Implementation of major centrally sponsored schemes
4 Seggregation of functions across various tiers of Panchayati Raj

Answer: Indicative ranking on the status of devolution based on the fulfillment of fundamental constitutional requirements
12 When did the Disaster Management Act and National Disaster Management Policy by Government of India came into existence respectively ?
1 2003 and 2005
2 2005 and 2009
3 2007 and 2009
4 2010 and 2013

Answer: 2005 and 2009
13 Which one of the following rural development schemes is not based on individual beneficiary approach ?
1 Ganga Kalyan Yojna (GKY)
2 Million Wells Scheme (MWS)
3 National Rural Livelihood Mission (NRLM)
4 Supply of Improved Toolkits to Rural Artisans (SITRA)

Answer: National Rural Livelihood Mission (NRLM)
14 Which one of the following is not basic focus or objective of National Rural Livelihood Mission ?
1 Enhancing and expanding existing livelihood options of the poor
2 Building skills for the job market outside
3 Nurturing self-employed and entrepreneurs
4 Developing capacities to deal with the changing local conditions

Answer: Developing capacities to deal with the changing local conditions
15 Which of the following is not correct about Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojna ?
1 It is 100 percent centrally sponsored scheme.
2 It is funded out of the revenue collected by imposing Cess on High Speed Diesel
3 ` 0.60 Per litre is charged from the sale of High Speed Diesel in the country for the scheme
4 The scheme is meant to provide a single road connectivity only.

Answer: It is 100 percent centrally sponsored scheme.

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