Refund Policy –

We stand behind our ebooks and your satisfaction with them is important to us. However, because our ebooks are digital goods delivered via Internet download we generally offer no refunds. Once the order is accomplished and the ebook download link is sent. As a customer you are responsible for understanding this upon purchasing any item at our site.

Refund requests made after you have downloaded our product are handled on a case by case basis and are issued at our sole discretion. Refund requests, if any, must be made within two (02) days of your original purchase. honor requests for the refund on the following reasons.

  • Due to some mailing issues of your e-mail provider or your own mail server you might not receive a delivery e-mail from us. In this case we recommend contacting us for assistance. If your book or ebook is delivered damaged or corrupt, please contact to arrange for replacement or refund.
  • Customers are solely responsible for confirming that their devices are compatible with the ebooks they purchase. Refunds will not be issued due to compatibility issues.
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