Sociology Multiple Choice Questions(MCQs) and Answers for Competitive Exams | Sociology Quiz Set 2

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1 Who was Comte’s Mentor?
1 Montesquieu
2 Morgan
3 Saint Simon
4 Robert Redfield

Answer: Saint Simon
2 From among the following who believed in Social Darwinism ?
1 Diffusionists
2 Evolutionists
3 Functionalists
4 All of the above

Answer: Evolutionists
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3 Who started his book “The Structure of Social Action” with the rhetorical question “who now reads Spencer”?
1 Durkheim
2 Parsons
3 Weber
4 Pareto

Answer: Parsons
4 Phenomenology is a radical alternative to
1 Positivism
2 Evolutionism
3 Functionalism
4 Diffusionism

5 Durkheim’s study of suicide helps us to understand (a) Society’s hold over the Individual (b) Individual’s hold on the society. (c) Suicide rates of varioussocieties (d) Degree of social integration ofa society.
1 (b) and (c)
2 (a) and (b)
3 (a) and (d)
4 (b) and (d)

Answer:(a) and (d)
6 In Merton’s functional analysis of society which of the following concepts are central? (a) Functions and Dysfunctions (b) Structural elements and functional pre-requisites (c) Subjective and objective manifestation (d) Manifest and latent functions
1 (b) and (c)
2 (b) and (d)
3 (a) and (c)
4 (a) and (d)

Answer: (a) and (d)
7 “Kula” was associated with (a) Trobriand Islanders (b) Malinowski (c) Andaman Islanders (d) Frazer Codes :
1 (b) and (c)
2 (b) and (d)
3 (a) and (b)
4 (a) and (c)

Answer:(a) and (b)
8 Durkheim considered animism as : (1) Soul worship (2) The belief that events in the world are mobilized by the activities of spirit. (3) The belief in worshipping the animals. (4) The belief in worshipping the natural objects. Codes :
1 (1) and (2)
2 (1) and (4)
3 (2) and (3)
4 (2) and (4)

Answer: (1) and (2)
9 In his evolutionary framework Marx arranged societies in the order of
  1. Primitive Communism
  2. Feudalism
  3. Capitalism
  4. Socialism

The correct order is

Codes :

1 (3), (2), (1), (4)
2 (2), (3), (4), (1)
3 (1), (4), (3), (2)
4 (1), (2), (3), (4)

Answer: (1), (2), (3), (4)
10 The book “Street Corner Society” was authored by
1 L.A. Coser
2 Max Weber
3 William F. Whyte
4 Malinowski

Answer: William F. Whyte
11 The figure that most frequently occurs in a given set of data is known as
1 Mode
2 Median
3 Mean
4 Average

Answer: Mode
12 Range is a measure of
1 Central Tendency
2 Dispersion
3 Association
4 Correlation

Answer: Dispersion
13 Who has given the formula for calculating rank correlation ?
1 Spearman
2 Pearson
3 Yules
4 Garrett

Answer: Spearman
14 An idea about a given state of affairs put forward in exact terms to provide basis for empirical testing is known as
1 Ideal type
2 Hypothesis
3 Sociological imagination
4 Empirical Research

Answer: Hypothesis
15 Attribute is related to
1 Qualitative variable
2 Quantitative variable/div>
3 Constant
4 None of the above

Answer: Qualitative variable

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