3. Who has given the concept ‘Imperatively Co-ordinated association’ ?
(1) Coser
(2) Dahrendorf
(3) Collins
(4) Marx
Answer: Option (2)
4. ‘Rewards and punishments are associated with role expectation’. That is known as :
(1) Mores
(2) Folk ways
(3) Norms
(4) Sanctions
Answer: Option (4)
5. Match List - I with List - II :
(1) (ii) (i) (iv) (iii)
(2) (iii) (ii) (i) (iv)
(3) (iv) (i) (iii) (ii)
(4) (i) (iv) (ii) (iii)
Answer: Option (3)
6. Who has used the concepts of ‘status and contract’ in understanding traditional and modern societies respectively ?
(1) R. Linton
(2) Henry Maine
(3) R.K. Merton
(4) S.F. Nadel
Answer: Option (2)
7. Who has argued that ‘ Status group can be identified in terms of a specific, positive or negative, social estimation of honour’ ?
(1) Ralph Linton
(2) Max Weber
(3) S.F. Nadel
(4) A.K. Rossi
Answer: Option (2)
8. Who has classified roles as ‘Pivotal’, ‘Sufficiently relevant’ and ‘Peripheral’ in his theory of social structure ?
(1) A.R. Radcliffe - Brown
(2) S.F. Nadel
(3) G.P. Murdock
(4) C. Levi - Strauss
Answer: Option (2)
9. Match List - I with List - II :
(1) (ii) (i) (iv) (iii)
(2) (i) (iii) (iv) (ii)
(3) (ii) (iii) (iv) (i)
(4) (i) (ii) (iii) (iv)
Answer: Option (1)
10. Who has said that the function of religious rituals is to affirm the moral superiority of the society over its individual members ?
(1) James Frazer
(2) Emile Durkheim
(3) A.R. Radcliffe - Brown
(4) B. Malinowski
Answer: Option (2)
11. Given below are two statements, one is labelled as Assertion (A) and other as Reason (R) :
Assertion (A) : Endogamy is still prevalent in Indian Society.
Reason (R) : Mostly people prefer marriage within their own caste.
Select the correct answer from the code given below :
(1) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A).
(2) Both (A) and (R) are true, but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A).
(3) (A) is true, but (R) is false.
(4) (A) is false, but (R) is true.
Answer: Option (1)
12. Who has written the book ‘ Sociology of Economic Life’ ?
(1) Weber
(2) Smelser
(3) Parsons
(4) Merton
Answer: Option (2)
13. Socialization is also called __________.
(1) Acculturation
(2) Cultural diffusion
(3) Enculturation
(4) All the above
Answer: Option (3)
14. Who says “Caste forms an institutionalized social stratification in Indian society but principle associated with class also plays an important role” ?
(1) Andre Beteille
(2) Yogendra Singh
(3) Dipankar Gupta
(4) M.S.A. Rao
Answer: Option (2)
15. Socialization is __________.
(a) A pre-requisite for any society
(b) Essential to any social life
(c) Cultural and social reproduction of social forms
(d) Diffusion of culture
Mark the correct answer from the code given below :
(1) (a), (b), (c)
(2) (b), (c), (d)
(3) (c), (d), (a)
(4) (d), (a), (b)
Answer: Option (1)
16. Who has given the cognitive development theory of socialization ?
(1) Marx
(2) Freud
(3) Piaget
(4) Cooley
Answer: Option (3)
17. Whose theory of socialization indicates that ‘socialization is a process of acquisition of moral and personal identity through family relationships’ ?
(1) Piaget
(2) Freud
(3) Durkheim
(4) Mead
Answer: Option (2)
18. The movement of Individuals between different strata in the hierarchy is referred to as :
(1) Social hierarchy
(2) Social mobility
(3) Upward mobility
(4) Downward mobility
Answer: Option (2)
19. Who has said that economic, social and political strata are though independent but they articulate each other in day to day live situation in stratified society ?
(1) Davis
(2) Marx
(3) Moore
(4) Weber
Answer: Option (4)
20. Who among the following says that “Stratification is universally necessary due to the requirement of any society to motivate individuals to fill important social positions” ?
(1) Marx
(2) Davis and Moore
(3) Weber
(4) Bendix and Lipset
Answer: Option (2)
21. Who was of the opinion that revolutions are locomotives of history ?
(1) E. Kant
(2) K. Marx
(3) G.W.F. Hegal
(4) F. Engels
Answer: Option (2)
22. Match the List - I with List - II :
(1) (iii) (iv) (ii) (i)
(2) (i) (iii) (iv) (ii)
(3) (iv) (iii) (ii) (i)
(4) (ii) (iii) (i) (v)
Answer: Option (1)
23. What is the theoretical approach in which societies are conceptualized as ‘Social Systems’, and particular features of ‘Social Structures’ are explained in terms of their contribution to the maintenance of these systems ?
(1) Structuralism
(2) Functionalism
(3) Structural - differentiation
(4) Structural - Functionalism
Answer: Option (4)
24. Match List - I with List - II.
(1) (i) (ii) (iii) (iv)
(2) (iv) (ii) (i) (iii)
(3) (ii) (iii) (iv) (i)
(4) (iv) (i) (ii) (iii)
Answer: Option (4)
25. According to whom, culture is held to embody principles which mirror essential features of the human mind - ‘binary classificatory systems’ ?
(1) A.R. Radcliffe - Brown
(2) S.F. Nadel
(3) C. Levi - Strauss
(4) Talcott Parsons
Answer: Option (3)
26. Who among the following advocated a version of anthropology called ‘Comparative Method’ ?
(1) E. Durkheim
(2) A.R. Radcliffe - Brown
(3) B. Malinowski
(4) F. Boaz
Answer: Option (2)
27. Which statement is not true among the following according to Malinowski ?
(1) Malinowski speaks of function primarily in terms of physiological and psychological needs
(2) Malinowski cannot be described as functionalist because he became obsessed with empirical reality
(3) Malinowski continues to be a powerful influence in Anthropology
(4) Malinowski is constantly present in meticulously carried out field research
Answer: Option (2)
28. Which among the following to R.K. Merton is the basis for the formation of reference group ?
(1) Relative Similarity
(2) Relative Dissimilarity
(3) Relative Deprivation
(4) Relative Complexity
Answer: Option (3)
29. Durkheim’s most important methodological contribution was his :
(1) Functional analysis
(2) Study of normative behaviour
(3) Structural formulations
(4) Conjecture and guess
Answer: Option (1)
30. Talcott Parson’s analysis of social system was based on the principle of :
(1) Homeostasis
(2) Manifest functions
(3) Darwin’s principles
(4) Physical Laws
Answer: Option (1)
31. According to Max Weber, social sciences must have :
(1) Value Bias
(2) Value Judgement
(3) Value Relevance
(4) Value Freedom
Answer: Option (3)
32. In Mead’s work, the attitude of the entire community or in any game, the attitude of the entire team is known by the term :
(1) Self Perception
(2) Generalized Other
(3) Social Act
(4) Sensuous Stimulation
Answer: Option (2)
33. Which among the following is not the basic principle of Blumer’s theory of symbolic interactionism ?
(1) Human beings, unlike lower animals, are endowed with the capacity for thought.
(2) The capacity for thought is shaped by social interaction.
(3) Meanings and symbols allow people to carry on distinctly human action and interaction.
(4) People are not able to make any modifications and changes during interactions.
Answer: Option (4)
34. Who among the following gave the concepts of ‘Residues’ and ‘Derivatives’ in his theory ?
(1) C.H. Mead
(2) G. Mosca
(3) C.W. Mills
(4) V. Pareto
Answer: Option (4)
35. According to Marx, the workers in capitalist society are alienated from their :
(a) Productive Activity
(b) Fellow Workers
(c) Product
(d) Own Species Being
(e) Family Members
(1) (a), (b), (c), (e)
(2) (a), (d), (e)
(3) (b), (c), (d)
(4) (a), (b), (c), (d)
Answer: Option (4)
36. According to whom, ‘Social structures may be translated empirically into patterns of repetitive micro interaction’ ?
(1) K. Marx
(2) L.A. Coser
(3) R. Collins
(4) S.F. Nadel
Answer: Option (3)
37. Dahrendorf distinguished three broad types of groups in his conflict theory : They are :
(1) Quasi, Interest, Conflict
(2) Quasi, Intermediate,Conflict
(3) Interest, Latent, Manifest
(4) Conflict, Consensus,Quasi
Answer: Option (1)
38. Who is the author of the book “ The Functions of Social Conflict” ?
(1) Jeffrey Alexander
(2) Lewis A. Coser
(3) Randall Collins
(4) Ralf Dahrendorf
Answer: Option (2)
39. Who has argued that methodologically social facts can be treated like things ?
(1) Weber
(2) Comte
(3) Durkheim
(4) Radcliffe - Brown
Answer: Option (3)
40. What does objectivity mean in social research ?
(a) Accounts for external world
(b) Accounts for internal world
(c) Represent the world as it exists
(d) Independent of our conceptions
Select the correct answer from the code given below :
(1) (a), (b), (c)
(2) (b), (c), (d)
(3) (b), (a), (d)
(4) (a), (c), (d)
Answer: Option (4)
41. Match List - I with List - II :
(1) (i) (ii) (iii) (iv)
(2) (ii) (iii) (iv) (i)
(3) (iii) (i) (iv) (ii)
(4) (iv) (ii) (i) (iii)
Answer: Option (4)
42. Who has stated that ‘Human Studies should be concerned with the construction of typologies of personality and culture’ ?
(1) Weber
(2) Dilthey
(3) Carr - Saunders
(4) Rickert
Answer: Option (2)
43. A study design involving collection of data at one particular point of time is known as :
(1) Cohort study
(2) Trend study
(3) Cross sectional study
(4) Longitudinal study
Answer: Option (3)
44. The precondition to qualify a sample as a random one is :
(1) The researcher must pretest the subject
(2) The researcher must conduct pilot study
(3) At least 100 respondents must be selected from a given population
(4) Every member of the population must have an equal chance of being selected
Answer: Option (4)
45. Who said these words : “ I started research as a non - participant observer. As I became
accepted into the community, I found myself becoming almost a non - observing participant” ?
(1) B. Malinowski
(2) E. Durkheim
(3) William F. Whyte
(4) N. Anderson
Answer: Option (3)
46. When one variable is Qualitative and another variable is Quantitative, which measure will be used for finding covariation between them ?
(1) Yules ‘Q’
(2) Phi coefficient ‘φ’
(3) Rank correlation ‘r’
(4) Chi-square (χ2)
Answer: Option (4)
47. When the same test in a social research is completed by the same people on two different occasions it is called :
(1) Normal reliability
(2) Alternate form reliability
(3) Test - retest reliability
(4) Split half reliabilizty
Answer: Option (3)
48. A test is said to be valid under which of the following condition ?
(1) It is thought to measure what it sets out to measure
(2) Observations have produced required data
(3) The quality of data is good
(4) It is thought to measure the unplanned facts
Answer: Option (1)
49. Which one of the averages cannot be manipulated algebraically ?