In India alcoholism is the curse of the poor strata of society. While it shatters their health it further aggravates their poverty so much so that their wives and children do not get even the bare necessities of life. Alcoholism also leads to violence, marital conflict, family disorganizations and increase in mental tensions and diseases. In the west, on the other hand, alcoholism has not much relationship with poverty. Drinks are very much a part of their life and alcoholism is the result of excess of resources. While it does affect the physical and mental health of the person concerned it does not create so much concerned it does not create so much hardship for wife and children as in the case of India. India is a poor country. Most of the people are even below subsistence level. Nutrition is not sufficient even for the middle class people. Hence alcoholism creates too much hardship. It is therefore, absolutely necessary that the sale of wines and intoxicants should be limited to cardholders and not to everyone. Mass awareness against alcoholism should also be created at various level by government and non-government organisations to root it out.
Answer & ExplanationOption: [C]
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