West Bengal PSC Syllabus
WBPSC Optional Paper - Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Science
Paper – I
1.1 Livestock Feeds : Common feeds and fodder and their classification. Proximate analysis of feed stuff.
1.2 Energy Nutrition : Energy sources, Measures of food energy and their application such as Gross Energy, Digestible Energy, Metabolisable Energy, Net Energy, Total Digestible Nutrients. Energy requirement for maintenance, growth, pregnancy and lactation in milk producing livestock.
1.3 Protein Nutrition: Biological value of protein, Protein efficiency ratio, digestible crude protein. Use of NPN in ruminants, bypass protein. Protein requirements for maintenance, growth, pregnancy and lactation in milk producing livestock. Improvement of poor quality roughages.
1.4 Mineral and Vitamin Nutrition : Major and trace minerals, their sources, physiological functions and deficiency symptoms. Role of vitamins, their sources and deficiency symptoms.
1.5 Feed Additives: Role of probiotics, prebiotics, antibiotics, enzymes, antioxidants, buffers, mould inhibitors and methane inhibitors. Antinutritional and toxic factors present in livestock feed and fodder.
1.6 Storage & Conservation of Feeds and Fodders: Storage of feed ingredients. Conservation of fodder through hay and silage making and their use in livestock feeding.
1.7 Computation of Ration: Balanced ration, Formulation of ration and feeding of dairy cattle and buffaloes during different phases of growth and production (young, pregnant, lactating and dry animals). Formulation of ration and feeding of sheep,goat, pig and poultry.
2.1 Breeds: Various indigenous breeds of livestock including poultry; Exotic breeds experienced in India; Origin, distribution and breed descriptor of important breeds.
2.2 Farm Animal Practices : Dentition and ageing of animals. Disbudding, marking of animals, Grooming, Dipping, Castration, Isolation, quarantine, Disinfection and disposal of carcasses. Drug administration, Vices of animals, their prevention and care.
2.3 Dairy Farming : Opportunities in dairy farming, Dairying under mixed and as specialized farming. Management of calves, heifer, pregnant, lactating and dry animals, bulls and bullocks. Housing systems, Layout and design of different buildings for dairy animals. Methods of milking and precautions. Factors affecting quality and quantity of milk. Organic Livestock Production.
2.4 Fodder Production : Importance of grasslands and fodders in livestock production. Feed and fodder requirements of individual animal. Supply of greens throughout the year. Scarcity fodder, Recycling of animal wastes and washings for fodder production.
2.5 Sheep and Goat Farming : Homestead farming vs. Commercial farming, Goat as poor man’s cow.
2.6 Poultry Production : Economic Importance of commercial poultry farming, Backyard poultry farming. Brooding management. Incubation and hatching, Management of broilers, layers and breeder flock. Designer egg.
3.1 Principles of Genetics : Mitosis and Meiosis. Mendelian inheritance, deviation to Mendelian genetics. Expression of genes. Linkage and crossing over. Sex linked, sex influenced, and sex limited characters. Cytoplasmic inheritance, chromosomal aberrations, Gene and its structure, DNA as a genetic material, genetic code and protein synthesis, Recombinant DNA technology, Transgenesis.
3.2 Population Genetics : Quantitative and qualitative traits. Gene and genotype frequency, HardyWeinberg Law and its application. Inbreeding and methods of estimating inbreeding coefficient. Heritability, repeatability, genetic and phenotypic correlations and environmental interaction.
3.3 Animal Breeding : Basis of selection such as individual, pedigree, family, progeny testing. Methods of Selection. Methods of breeding - Inbreeding, out breeding, upgrading, cross breeding. Crossing of inbred lines for commercial production. Sire index.
4.1 Hormone in reproduction : Hormones related to reproduction, mechanism of action, control of secretion and negative feed back mechanism of hormonal regulation. Releasing and tropic hormones of reproduction.
4.2 Andrology : Puberty, sexual maturity and libido. Factors causing infertility in males. Components of semen, physical and chemical properties of semen. Preservation of semen and artification insemination. Deep freezing of semen.
4.3 Gynaecology : Symptoms of heat, detection of oestrus and time of insemination for optimal conception. Anoestrus and repeat breeding. Silent heat. Management of buffaloes in summer for better conception.
5.1 Milk and milk products : Milk industry in India. Composition and nutritive value of milk. Physicochemical properties of milk Quality testing of raw milk. Processing, packaging, storing, distribution and marketing of milk. Pasteurized, standardized, toned, doubled toned, homogenized, reconstituted, recombined and flavoured milk. Various milk products such as Cream, Butter, Ghee, Khoa, Channa, Cheese, Condensed, evaporated and dried milk. Preparation of cultured milk such as yoghurt, Dahi, Lassi and Srikhand.
5.2 Meat and meat products : Meat industry of India.Ante mortem care and management of food animals, stunning, slaughter and dressing. Meat inspection. Physical and chemical characteristics of meat. Method of meat preservation such as curing, canning, irradiation, packaging.
5.3 Poultry products Technology : Composition and nutritive value of poultry meat and eggs. Slaughtering techniques. Grading of eggs. Structure, composition and nutritive value of eggs.
5.4 Milk and meat hygiene : Clean milk production. Hygienic method of handling meat and meat products. Adulteration of milk and its detection. Legal standards of milk.
6.1 Concept of Sociology : Man and animal relationship, Society, Community, Association and Institution. Social groups, its types and function.
6.2 Principles of Extension : Basic philosophy, objective and concept. Methods adopted to educate farmers under rural condition, generation of technology, its transfer and feedback. Animal Husbandry Programmes for rural development.
Paper – II
Pharmacology: Principles of drug activity such as pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics. Concept of drug and receptor. Does response relationship. Adverse drug reaction, drug interaction. Biopharmaceuticals and gene therapy Antimicrobials, antifungal and principles of chemotherapy in microbial infections. Toxicology : Fundamentals and scope of toxicology. Toxicity due to insecticides, organo phosphates, heavy metals, non-metals, micotoxins and their ameliorative measures. Toxic plants.
Microbiology: Marphology and classification, cultivation and identification of microbes related to animal diseases. Transmission of infections, sterilization and disinfactants. Pathology: Pathogenesis and Pathognomic lesions in important microbial diseases of livestock. Parasitology: Morphology and pathogenesis of important helminthic and protozoal diseases in livestock like ascariasis, facioliasis, Trypanosomiasis etc.