West Bengal Public Service Commission Syllabus for Mains 2021

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The Public Service Commission, West Bengal or PSCWB is the state agency authorized to conduct the Civil Services Examination for entry-level appointments to the various Civil Services of state of West Bengal in India. Here is a Detailed Syllabus for WBPSC Mains Optional Paper - Zoology.

West Bengal PSC Syllabus

WBPSC Optional Paper - Zoology

Paper – I:

Group A:    Short/objective questions.

This group will cover the whole content of the

Group B: Non-Chordata & Chordata

  1. Outline classifications of Protozoa upto Phyla
  2. Outline classifications of Porifera to Hemichordata upto classes.
  3. Classification of chordata upto orders.

Non Chordata

Locomotion in Protozoa Annelida, Insecta & Mollusca, Excretion and Osmoregulation in Annelida, Arthropoda & Mollusca. Sense organs in Mollusca and Arthropoda.

Specialized Features:

  • Conjugation in ciliates
  • Polymorphism in Siphonophora
  • Coral reefs: types and formation
  • Evolutionary position of Onychophora, Limulus
  • Social Organisation in insects – Honey bee & Termites

Chordata Specialized Features:

Ciliary mode of feeding in lower chordates.

Integumentary derivatives in mammals.

Comparative anatomy of heart, aortic arches & Kidney Respiratory structure and function in fish, bird and mammals. Ruminant stomach. Evolutionary position of Sphenodon and Monotremata Poison apparatus, Biting mechanism and types of poison in snakes. Retrogressive metamorphosis, Neoteny and paedogenesis. Migration of Birds Aerodynamics in birds flight. Echolocation in Chiroptera and Caetacea

Group C: Ecology, Biodiversity and Ethology

Energy flow, Population Dynamics — Growth forms, mortality, natality, population density regulation. Niche concept and resource Partitioning

Ecological succession.

Pollution: Green house effect, Pollutants types and nature. Acute and chronic toxicity due to air and water pollution. Innate and learned behaviour, FAP (Fixed Action Plan), Selfishness, Co-operation, Altruism and Kinship

Biodiversity: Definition, Levels, values, in-situ and Ex-situ conservation, Hot spots, megadiversity countries, Biopiracy. Wildlife management strategies with reference to Tiger, Rhino and Elephant, Elementary concept on remote sensing for sustainable diversity.

Systematics and Quantitative Biology

Codes of Zoological nomenclature, species concept, phenetics and cladistics. Measure of Central Tendency, Probability, Student t test Chi square, ANOVA, Goodness of fit.

Paper – II:

Cell Biology & Genetics:

Ultra structure & functioning of – Plasmamembrane, Golgi complex, Mitochondria, ER, Lysosome, Chromosome, Nucleosome, Cell cycle. Allele : Types, ABO blood group, Bombay phenotype,  3 point chromosome mapping in diploid with problems. Autosomal & sex linked inheritance in Drosophila & Man, Sex determinations in Drosophila & Man. Replication, Transcription and m RNA processing & Translation in prokaryots.  Operon concept – Lac & Tryptophan, Mutations & Mutagenesis, Down, Klinefelter and Turner syndrome, Albinisim, Sickle cell anaemia, Thalassemia, Recombinant DNA : Vector, Principle of cloning, Restriction Endonucleases Transgenic animals.  Role of protooncogene & Tumor Supressor Genes.  Human Genome Project.

Histology & Endocrinology:  

Histology: Cell types and functions. Pituitary, endocrine pancreas, gonads, Thyroid, adrenal.  Mechanism of hormone action, Basic concept of cell signalling.  Hormonal control of reproductive cycles in mammals. General idea of insect endocrine glands and their function.

Physiology & Biochemistry: 

Enzymes:  Classes, kinetics and factors affecting enzyme action.  Osmoregulation :  Types and mechanism in aquatic vertebrates.

Macromolecules:  Protein, fat & carbohydrates.  Glycolysis, pentose phosphate pathway, Transamination & oxidative and non-oxidative deamination.  Role of haemoglobin in oxygen & carbon di oxide transport, Foetal haemoglobin,  Physiology of nerve impulse and propagation, Muscular contraction, Vitamines. Principles and use of instruments – Spectrophotometer, TLC, RAPD, RFLP, PCR, ELISA, DNA finger printing.

Group C:     

Developmental Biology

Gametogenesis, fertilization, IVF basic concept, cleavage-types and examples.  Gastrulation in frog and chick. Organizer, induction and competence. Placenta :  Types and formation. Organogenesis :  Eye and heart.

Evolution & adaptation: Origin of life, natural selection :  modern view, Neutral theory.

Evolution :  Elephant, Horse & Man.

Hardy Weinberg equilibrium and factors affecting it.

Fossilization, Zoogeographical realms, continental drift, Adaptive features of Aquatic, Volant and desert animals. Mimicry and colouration. . .

Economic Zoology:  Pisciculture, Apiculture, Sericulture & Poultry.  Types of cattle breed in India. Common pests of paddy, wheat and jute – damage & control, IPM.

Parasitology & Immunology:  Morphology, Life-cycle, Pathogenecity and control of Plasmodium, Leishmania, Taenia, Fasciola, Ancylostoma & Wuchereria.   Immunoglobulin classification, T & B cell cooperation. T cell receptors, cytokines, complements.  Antigen-antibody reaction.  Principles and importance of vaccination. Pathophysiology of Tuberculosis, Types of virus.

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