Agriculture, Livestock Ranching, Animal Husbandry, Dairy Farming, Plantation Crops GK Questions and Answers | Economic Geography MCQs

Sports GK Questions and Answers 2024 (Latest Updated)

Awards & Honours GK Questions 2024 (Latest Updated)

1. The first cloned sheep ‘Dolly’ was created through which of these techniques?
  1. Nuclear transfer
  2. Gene transfer
  3. Germinal cell transfer
  4. Somatic cell transfer

Answer: Somatic cell transfer

2. This method is carried out for the castration of male pigs
  1. Burdizzo
  2. Hot iron
  3. Knife
  4. Elastrator

Answer: Knife

3. In which among the following areas is Commercial Grain Farming dominant?
  1. North America
  2. South-east Asia
  3. South America
  4. Indonesia

Answer: North America

4. ‘Curled toe paralysis’ in chicks is a symptom caused due to the deficiency of
  1. Phosphorous
  2. Sulphur
  3. Niacin
  4. Riboflavin

Answer: Riboflavin

5. Cluster bean is:
  1. Self-pollinated
  2. Cross-pollinated
  3. Often Cross-pollinated
  4. None of the above

Answer: Self-pollinated

6. Which of the following Indian State is the largest producer of rubber?
  1. Tamil Nadu
  2. Andhra Pradesh
  3. Karnataka
  4. Kerala

Answer: Kerala

7. What are cowboys of the grasslands of Argentina, Brazil, and Uruguay called?
  1. Lahars
  2. Gauchos
  3. Caballeros
  4. Campos

Answer: Gauchos

8. Which among the following is the most primitive type of agriculture?
  1. Shifting Agriculture
  2. Subsistence Agriculture
  3. Dry land Farming
  4. Extensive Agriculture

Answer: Shifting Agriculture

9. What type of farming is practiced in areas where there is no dearth of rainwater for the production of crops?
  1. Precision Farming
  2. Irrigation Farming
  3. Humid Farming
  4. Dry Farming

Answer: Humid Farming

10. What is shifting cultivation also known as?
  1. Dry land Farming
  2. Subsistence Farming
  3. Burn and Slash Farming
  4. Extensive Farming

Answer: Burn and Slash Farming

11. Lactose found in milk is a disaccharide composed of
  1. Glucose and glucose
  2. Glucose and fructose
  3. Maltose and glucose
  4. Galactose and glucose

Answer: Galactose and glucose

12. In animals, Grass tetany is caused due to deficiency of
  1. Silicon
  2. Sodium
  3. Magnesium
  4. Selenium

Answer: Magnesium

13. Cucumber fruits can be stored for longer period at the temperature of:
  1. 5 degrees C
  2. 10 degree C
  3. 25 degrees C
  4. 30 degrees C

Answer: 25 degrees C

14. The Barak Valley of Assam is famous for the cultivation of which crop?
  1. Oil palm
  2. Tea
  3. Sugarcane
  4. Coffee

Answer: Sugarcane

15. What is the practice of growing two or more crops simultaneously called?
  1. Mixed Farming
  2. Inter-cropping
  3. Precision Farming
  4. Share-cropping

Answer: Inter-cropping

16. Which among the following is a commercial activity practised in areas environmentally similar to those of nomadic herding?
  1. Livestock Ranching
  2. Shifting Cultivation
  3. Rudimentary Sedentary Tillage
  4. Mediterranean Agriculture

Answer: Livestock Ranching

17. The chemical nature of Estrogen is
  1. Amino acid
  2. Protein
  3. Fatty acid
  4. Steroid

Answer: Steroid

18. Full form of AMS is..
  1. Animal milking systems.
  2. Automatic milking systems.
  3. Auto milking synchronization.
  4. None of the above.

Answer: Automatic milking systems.

19. Which among the following types of farming is also called Mixed farming?
  1. Mediterranean Agriculture
  2. Commercial Grain Farming
  3. Shifting Agriculture
  4. Commercial livestock and Grain Farming

Answer: Commercial livestock and Grain Farming

20. The fleshy evident mass found between the forelimbs of cows is known as
  1. Rump
  2. Flank
  3. Brisket
  4. Dewlap

Answer: Brisket

21. Strip cup is used
  1. Just after milking
  2. Just before milking
  3. At the middle of milking
  4. Anytime during milking

Answer: Just before milking

22. Which one of the following breed of buffalo high percentage of milk-fat?
  1. Bhadawari.
  2. Murrah.
  3. Mehsana.
  4. Nili.

Answer: Bhadawari.

23. Polenske value of milk is due to
  1. Fats
  2. Water-soluble fatty acids
  3. Water-insoluble fatty acids
  4. Proteins

Answer: Water-insoluble fatty acids

24. On an average an Ayershire cow gives …. litter of milk in its milking period
  1. 400
  2. 500
  3. 300
  4. 700

Answer: 500

25. What is a production system that sustains the health of soils, ecosystems, and people called?
  1. Mixed Farming
  2. Subsistence Farming
  3. Precision Agriculture
  4. Organic Farming

Answer: Organic Farming

26. The lightest body weighed goat is
  1. Beetal
  2. Barbari
  3. Jamnapari
  4. Toggenburgg

Answer: Barbari

27. Vegetables are rich source of:
  1. Vitamins
  2. Carbohydrates
  3. Proteins
  4. Fat

Answer: Vitamins

28. What are large units where sheep are reared in Australia called?
  1. Sheep Cattle
  2. Prairies
  3. Sheep Station
  4. Pastures

Answer: Sheep Station

29. The native place of brown swiss is..
  1. Lancashire.
  2. Wales.
  3. Scotland.
  4. Switzerland.

Answer: Switzerland.

30. A dairy cow should have..
  1. Globular body shape.
  2. Triangular body shape.
  3. Rectangular body shape.
  4. None of the above.

Answer: Rectangular body shape.

31. Which is not a structure of a dairy farm?
  1. Milk recording room.
  2. Heifer shed.
  3. Labour room.
  4. All are the structure of a dairy farm.

Answer: All are the structure of a dairy farm.

32. Which of the following plantation crop produces in India are produced in excess of its demand?
  1. Tea
  2. Foodgrains
  3. Petroleum
  4. Rubber

Answer: Tea

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