Internal Structure of The Earth GK Questions and Answers | Internal Structure of The Earth MCQs

Sports GK Questions and Answers 2024 (Latest Updated)

Awards & Honours GK Questions 2024 (Latest Updated)

1. What are the cracks along with the blocks that have moved relative to one another?
  1. Folds
  2. Joints
  3. Faults
  4. Intrusions

Answer: Faults

2. Which is the lowermost and the oldest epoch of the tertiary period of the geologic time scale?
  1. Eocene
  2. Holocene
  3. Cretaceous
  4. Paleocene

Answer: Paleocene

3. Which is the largest Geological time unit?
  1. eons
  2. eras
  3. epochs
  4. periods

Answer: eons

4. The Moho discontinuity marks the boundary between which two layers of the Earth?
  1. Crust and upper mantle
  2. Outer core and inner core
  3. Mantle and lower mantle
  4. Crust and lower mantle

Answer: Crust and upper mantle

5. The ozone layer in the Earth’s atmosphere is limited to the following areas:
  1. A Troposphere
  2. Stratosphere
  3. Mesosphere
  4. Thermosphere

Answer: Stratosphere

6. Which among the following is not an Eon?
  1. Archean
  2. Hadean
  3. Paleozoic
  4. Proterozoic

Answer: Paleozoic

7. The lithosphere is composed of which two layers?
  1. Crust and upper mantle
  2. Outer core and inner core
  3. Mantle and lower mantle
  4. Crust and lower mantle

Answer: Crust and upper mantle

8. The density of the Earth generally increases with depth. What is the primary reason for this increase?
  1. Decrease in temperature
  2. Increase in pressure
  3. Changes in chemical composition
  4. Expansion of rock materials

Answer: Increase in pressure

9. Which layer of the Earth is characterized by convection currents that drive plate tectonics?
  1. Crust
  2. Mantle
  3. Outer core
  4. Inner core

Answer: Mantle

10. Which layer of the Earth is the thickest?
  1. Crust
  2. Mantle
  3. Outer core
  4. Inner core

Answer: Mantle

11. The field of geology that deals with the form, classification, mechanism, and causes of these rock structures’ evolution are known as
  1. Rock geology
  2. Structural geology
  3. Basic geology
  4. Lithology

Answer: Structural geology

12. Which among the following sequence of Eons is correct?
  1. Archean, Hadean, Proterozoic and Phanerozoic
  2. Hadean, Archean, Proterozoic and Phanerozoic
  3. Archean, Hadean, Phanerozoic and Proterozoic
  4. Hadean, Archean, Phanerozoic and Proterozoic

Answer: Hadean, Archean, Proterozoic and Phanerozoic

13. The following factors contribute to the accumulation of oxygen in the Earth’s atmosphere:
  1. Formation of the ocean in the early history of Earth
  2. Algae and other organisms employed photosynthesis
  3. Oxygen settled on Earth from planets further from the sun
  4. Rocks weathered and released their oxygen.

Answer: Algae and other organisms employed photosynthesis

14. Which type of seismic wave is responsible for causing the most destruction during an earthquake?
  1. P-waves
  2. S-waves
  3. Surface waves
  4. Love waves

Answer: Surface waves

15. The transition zone is a region located between which two layers of the Earth?
  1. Crust and upper mantle
  2. Outer core and inner core
  3. Upper mantle and lower mantle
  4. Crust and lower mantle

Answer: Upper mantle and lower mantle

16. Which layer of the Earth is composed mainly of silicate minerals rich in iron and magnesium?
  1. Crust
  2. Mantle
  3. Outer core
  4. Inner core

Answer: Mantle

17. The Earth’s outermost layer is made up of:
  1. Solid rock
  2. Molten lava
  3. Loose soil and sediments
  4. All of the above

Answer: All of the above

18. Large reptiles became abundant during the ________Era?
  1. Cenozoic
  2. Mesozoic
  3. Paleozoic
  4. Precambrian

Answer: Mesozoic

19. Who among the following rocks has a significant stratification?
  1. Igneous rocks
  2. Metamorphic rocks
  3. Sedimentary rocks
  4. Fossil rocks

Answer: Sedimentary rocks

20. The Mohorovičić discontinuity is named after a scientist from which country?
  1. United States
  2. Russia
  3. Croatia
  4. France

Answer: Croatia

21. What is the largest division of the geologic time scale?
  1. Eon
  2. Era
  3. Epoch
  4. Period

Answer: Eon

22. Which period is known as the “the age of fishes”?
  1. Silurian
  2. Devonian
  3. Cambrian
  4. Ordovician

Answer: Devonian

23. Which type of seismic wave can travel through both solids and liquids?
  1. P-waves
  2. S-waves
  3. Surface waves
  4. Love waves

Answer: P-waves

24. The Gutenberg discontinuity marks the boundary between which two layers of the Earth?
  1. Crust and upper mantle
  2. Outer core and inner core
  3. Mantle and lower mantle
  4. Upper mantle and lower mantle

Answer: Outer core and inner core

25. As a consequence of global warming, there may be an increase in sea level as a result of:
  1. A Melting of ice-caps
  2. Thermal expansion of seawater
  3. Both A. and B.
  4. Isostatic rebound

Answer: Both A. and B.

26. The asthenosphere is a part of which layer of the Earth?
  1. Crust
  2. Mantle
  3. Outer core
  4. Inner core

Answer: Mantle

27. What is the source of energy for the Earth’s internal heat engine?
  1. Solar energy
  2. Ocean tides
  3. Volcanoes
  4. Radioactivity

Answer: Radioactivity

28. Which among the following is the most recent in the geological time scale of the International Commission on Stratigraphy?
  1. Tertiary Period
  2. Quaternary Period
  3. Cretaceous Era
  4. Oligocene

Answer: Quaternary Period

29. Which layer of the Earth is responsible for generating Earth’s magnetic field?
  1. Crust
  2. Mantle
  3. Outer core
  4. Inner core

Answer: Outer core

30. Which layer of the Earth is primarily composed of solid iron and nickel?
  1. Crust
  2. Mantle
  3. Outer core
  4. Inner core

Answer: Inner core

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