Universe GK Questions and Answers | Universe MCQ

Sports GK Questions and Answers 2024 (Latest Updated)

Awards & Honours GK Questions 2024 (Latest Updated)

1. The distance between the Earth and the Sun (in million kms) is ________
  1. 111
  2. 149
  3. 168
  4. 193

Answer: 149

2. Which of the planets is nearest to the earth?
  1. Jupiter
  2. Venus
  3. Mercury
  4. Mars

Answer: Venus

3. Who of the following discovered the laws of planetary orbits?
  1. Galileo Galilei
  2. Nicholas Copernicus
  3. Johannes Kepler
  4. Isaac Newton

Answer: Johannes Kepler

4. Halley’s comet appears once in a period of ________
  1. 24 years
  2. 32 years
  3. 76 years
  4. 84 years

Answer: 76 years

5. Messenger satellite has been launched by NASA for the study of
  1. Mercury
  2. Venus
  3. Saturn
  4. Jupiter

Answer: Mercury

6. The distance between Earth and Sun is maximum on?
  1. 21 June
  2. 3 January
  3. 22 December
  4. 4 July

Answer: 4 July

7. Which planet is considered as the Dwarf planet?
  1. Earth
  2. Jupiter
  3. Pluto
  4. Saturn

Answer: Pluto

8. Among the following which planet takes maximum time for one revolution around the Sun?
  1. Earth
  2. Jupiter
  3. Mars
  4. Venus

Answer: Jupiter

9. Which one of the following statements is correct with reference to our solar system?
  1. The Earth is the densest of all the planets in our solar system
  2. The predominant element in the composition of Earth is silicon
  3. The Sun contains 75 percent of the mass of the solar system
  4. The diameter of the Sun is 190 times that of the Earth

Answer: The Earth is the densest of all the planets in our solar system

10. Which of the following scientist had proven that every planet has an elongated path?
  1. Galileo
  2. Newton
  3. Copernicus
  4. Kepler

Answer: Kepler

11. The correct sequence of the following planets in terms of gravity, in the descending order is ________
  1. Saturn Earth Neptune Uranus
  2. Neptune Uranus Saturn Earth
  3. Uranus Earth Saturn Neptune
  4. Earth Uranus Neptune Saturn

Answer: Earth Uranus Neptune Saturn

12. The only planet whose period of rotation is longer than the period of revolution around the Sun?
  1. Mercury
  2. Jupiter
  3. Venus
  4. Neptune

Answer: Venus

13. The orbits of planets around the Sun, or of satellites around the Earth, can be ________
  1. Circular and elliptic
  2. Circular and hyperbolic
  3. Elliptic and parabolic
  4. Parabolic and hyperbolic

Answer: Circular and elliptic

14. The outermost layer of Sun is called ________
  1. Convection zone
  2. Photosphere
  3. Chromosphere
  4. Corona

Answer: Corona

15. In astrophysics, what is the name of hole in outer space which emits stars and energy?
  1. Black Hole
  2. Ozone Hole
  3. Asteroid Belt
  4. White Hole

Answer: White Hole

16. The planet Mercury is difficult to be observed most of the time because ________
  1. It gets hidden behind Venus
  2. It goes too far away from the Earth
  3. It being too close to the Sun gets hidden by the glare of the Sun
  4. It cannot be seen at night as at that time no sunlight falls on it.

Answer: It being too close to the Sun gets hidden by the glare of the Sun

17. The planet having thirteen moons is ________
  1. Venus
  2. Mars
  3. Uranus
  4. Neptune

Answer: Neptune

18. Which of the following planet is farthest from Sun?
  1. Saturn
  2. Jupiter
  3. Neptune
  4. Uranus

Answer: Neptune

19. Comets revolve around ________
  1. Sun
  2. Earth
  3. Venus
  4. No single heavenly body

Answer: Sun

20. Which of the following planets is known as Earth’s twin?
  1. Mars
  2. Saturn
  3. Uranus
  4. Venus

Answer: Venus

21. Which of the following is the brightest planet?
  1. Mercury
  2. Venus
  3. Mars
  4. Jupiter

Answer: Venus

22. The largest of the planets is
  1. Jupiter
  2. Saturn
  3. Uranus
  4. Neptune

Answer: Jupiter

23. Which planet is known as ‘Morning Star’?
  1. Mercury
  2. Venus
  3. Mars
  4. Jupiter

Answer: Venus

24. Why stars look more in west than east?
  1. Universe is moving from east to west
  2. Earth is moving around the Sun
  3. Earth is moving from east to west
  4. Earth is moving from west to east

Answer: Earth is moving from west to east

25. The four largest planets of the solar system in descending order are
  1. Jupiter Mercury Saturn and Uranus
  2. Mercury Jupiter Saturn and Neptune
  3. Jupiter Saturn Uranus and Neptune
  4. Jupiter Mercury Saturn and Neptune

Answer: Jupiter Saturn Uranus and Neptune

26. The radiant energy of the sun is transmitted in the form of ________
  1. Short waves
  2. Long waves
  3. Particles
  4. None of these

Answer: Short waves

27. Which of the following is called “Blue Planet”?
  1. Saturn
  2. Earth
  3. Jupiter
  4. Mars

Answer: Earth

28. Parsec is the unit of measurement of ________
  1. Density of stars
  2. Astronomical distance
  3. Brightness of heavenly bodies
  4. Orbital velocity of giant stars

Answer: Astronomical distance

29. Milky Way Galaxy was first seen by
  1. Galileo
  2. Martin Schmidt
  3. Marconi
  4. Newton

Answer: Galileo

30. In order of their distances from the Sun, which of the following planets lie between Mars and Uranus?
  1. Earth and Jupiter
  2. Jupiter and Saturn
  3. Saturn and Earth
  4. Saturn and Neptune

Answer: Jupiter and Saturn

31. The energy of Sun is vested in which of the following process?
  1. Photoelectric Emission
  2. Nuclear Fission
  3. Nuclear Fusion
  4. Temperate Emission

Answer: Nuclear Fusion

32. Which planet shows the phases like Moon?
  1. Mercury
  2. Mars
  3. Venus
  4. Pluto

Answer: Venus

33. Who founded the word “Geography”?
  1. Ptolemy
  2. Eratosthenes
  3. Hicatus
  4. Herodotus

Answer: Eratosthenes

34. Stars which appear single to the naked eye but are double stars when observed by a telescope, are known as ________
  1. Cosmic stars
  2. Quasars
  3. Binaries
  4. Novae and supernovae

Answer: Binaries

35. Which of the following is the largest of the inner planets?
  1. Venus
  2. Mercury
  3. Mars
  4. Earth

Answer: Earth

36. To a space traveller on moon, the lunar sky during day time appears ________
  1. White
  2. Blue
  3. Black
  4. Red

Answer: Black

37. The planets are kept in motion in their respective orbits by ________
  1. Their great size and spherical shape
  2. The rotation and density
  3. Gravitation and centrifugal force
  4. Rotation of the sun on its axis

Answer: Gravitation and centrifugal force

38. The Saturn rings were discovered by ________
  1. Copernicus
  2. Newton
  3. Galileo
  4. None of these

Answer: Galileo

39. The orbit in which of the following planet is nearest to the Sun?
  1. Saturn
  2. Jupiter
  3. Mars
  4. Uranus

Answer: Mars

40. Which of the following celestial bodies is located farthermost to the Earth?
  1. Saturn
  2. Uranus
  3. Neptune
  4. Pluto

Answer: Pluto

41. Asteroids have their orbits between the planets ________
  1. Mercury and Venus
  2. Earth and Mars
  3. Mars and Jupiter
  4. Jupiter and Saturn

Answer: Mars and Jupiter

42. The planet with the maximum number of satellites is ________.
  1. Uranus
  2. Jupiter
  3. Saturn
  4. Neptune

Answer: Saturn

43. The Srnith-tuttle comet will crash with Earth in ________
  1. 2106 AD
  2. 2116 AD
  3. 2126 AD
  4. 2136 AD

Answer: 2126 AD

44. Foucault experiment is proof of which one of the following?
  1. Revolution of Earth
  2. Rotation of Earth
  3. Rotation of Moon
  4. Revolution of Moon

Answer: Rotation of Earth

45. The exact time taken by the earth for single rotation on its own axis is ________
  1. 24 hrs
  2. 24 hrs 35 sec
  3. 23 hrs 50 minutes 7.2 sec
  4. 23 hrs 56 minutes 4.09 sec

Answer: 23 hrs 56 minutes 4.09 sec

46. Which of the following Scientist proved that the path of each planet around the Sun is elliptical?
  1. Kepler
  2. Galileo
  3. Newton
  4. Copernicus

Answer: Kepler

47. The ‘Solar Corona’ mainly consists of ________
  1. Cosmic rays
  2. Molten lava
  3. Gases
  4. Ice

Answer: Molten lava

48. Twelve constellations referred to as zodiac are ________
  1. Signs of Roman gods
  2. Imaginary region that encompass the path of the planets
  3. A group of stars
  4. None of these

Answer: A group of stars

48. The distance of the nearest star besides the sun from the earth is ________
  1. 4.9 x 1111 m
  2. 95 x1015 m
  3. 4.3 light years
  4. 4.2 light years

Answer: 4.2 light years

49. The brightest star in the sky is ________
  1. Alfa Centauri
  2. Proxima Centauri
  3. Sirius
  4. Sun

Answer: Sun

50. NASA’s Deep Impact space mission was employed to take detailed pictures of which comet nucleus?
  1. Halley’s Comet
  2. Hale-Bopp
  3. Hyakutake
  4. Tempel 1

Answer: Tempel 1

51. Super Nova is ________
  1. An asteroid
  2. A black hole
  3. A comet
  4. A dying star

Answer: A dying star

52. Triton is the Moon of which planet?
  1. Neptune
  2. Uranus
  3. Saturn
  4. Venus

Answer: Neptune

53. Which of the following planets do not have satellite?
  1. Mars and Venus
  2. Mercury and Venus
  3. Mars and Mercury
  4. Neptune and Pluto

Answer: Mercury and Venus

54. On which of the following planets water cycle is available?
  1. Jupiter
  2. Earth
  3. Mars
  4. Venus

Answer: Earth

55. Which one of the following planets takes the same number of days for rotation and revolution?
  1. Mars
  2. Venus
  3. Mercury
  4. Jupiter

Answer: Venus

56. The altitudes of heavenly bodies appear to be greater than they actually are. This is due to ________
  1. Vertical motion of these heavenly bodies
  2. Motions of the earth
  3. Atmospheric refraction
  4. These are visible because of light of the sun reflected from their surface

Answer: Atmospheric refraction

57. Which is the hottest planet in the solar system?
  1. Jupiter
  2. Saturn
  3. Venus
  4. Uranus

Answer: Venus

58. The time required by moonlight to reach the earth is ________
  1. 1 sec
  2. 1.3 sec
  3. 2 sec
  4. 2.3 sec

Answer: 1.3 sec

59. The light coming from stars gives the idea of their ________
  1. Size
  2. Rotational speed
  3. Mass
  4. Temperature

Answer: Temperature

60. In how many parts the shadow of Earth is divided during solar or lunar eclipse?
  1. Five
  2. Two
  3. Four
  4. Three

Answer: Three

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