World Soils, Major Biomes GK Questions and Answers | Physical Geography MCQs

Sports GK Questions and Answers 2024 (Latest Updated)

Awards & Honours GK Questions 2024 (Latest Updated)

1. The water holding capacity is the highest in
  1. Sandy soil
  2. Clayey soil
  3. Loamy soil
  4. Mixture of sand and loam

Answer: Clayey soil

2. Biome with the richest soil?
  1. Temperate Grassland
  2. Temperate Deciduous Forest
  3. Tropical Rainforest
  4. Temperate Rainforest

Answer: Temperate Grassland

3. A soil, which has pH ranges from 8.5 to 10 and ESP is greater than 15 and EC less than 4 m mhos/cm, the soil is called
  1. Saline soil
  2. Alkaline soil
  3. Saline alkaline soil
  4. None of these

Answer: Alkaline soil

4. A well developed soil have
  1. A-horizon
  2. B-horizon
  3. C-horizon
  4. All of these

Answer: All of these

5. Which one among the following is not a coral reef island?
  1. Kyushu Island, Japan
  2. Rainbow Reef, Fiji
  3. Swaraj Island, India
  4. More than one of the above

Answer: Kyushu Island, Japan

6. The entire northern plains of India are made of which type of soil?
  1. Alluvial Soils
  2. Black Soil
  3. Laterite Soil
  4. Arid Soil

Answer: Alluvial Soils

7. Which among the following soil is rich in minerals?
  1. Alluvial soil
  2. Black soil
  3. Laterite Soil
  4. Arid Soil

Answer: Alluvial soil

7. Which one of the following natural regions is known as 'Land of Big Games'?
  1. Temperature Grassland
  2. Tropical Monsoon Region
  3. Tropical Savanna Region
  4. More than one of the above

Answer: Tropical Savanna Region

8. Laterite soil is rich in:
  1. Phosphorus
  2. Calcium carbonate
  3. Potassium
  4. Iron oxide

Answer: Iron oxide

9. Contains lichens, some grass and mosses, small shrubs, and no trees
  1. Tropical savanna
  2. Temperate grassland
  3. Desert
  4. Tundra

Answer: Tundra

10. A soil profile having two sola, one above the other is known as
  1. Bisequem profile
  2. Truncated profile
  3. Soil monolith
  4. Soil fabric

Answer: Bisequem profile

11. Alkali soils are generally found in
  1. Humid climate
  2. Sub humid region
  3. Arid and semi arid climate
  4. Temperate climate

Answer: Arid and semi arid climate

12. The Amazon Basin of Brazil is an example of
  1. Tropical Monsoon forest
  2. Tropical Rain forest
  3. Mediterranean forest
  4. More than one of the above

Answer: Tropical Rain forest

13. Which one among the following is not a coral reef island?
  1. Great Barrier Reef, Australia
  2. Rainbow Reef, Fiji
  3. Kyushu Island, Japan
  4. More than one of the above

Answer: Kyushu Island, Japan

14. Size of colloidal clay particle is less than
  1. 0.0002 m
  2. 0.02 mm
  3. 0.002 mm
  4. None of these

Answer: 0.002 mm

15. Which of the following is an example of anthropogenic biome?
  1. Fresh water
  2. Grassland
  3. Rain forest
  4. Cropland

Answer: Cropland

16. Which one of the following natural regions is known as 'Land of Big Games'?
  1. Temperature Grassland
  2. Tropical Monsoon Region
  3. Hot Desert Region
  4. Tropical Savanna Region

Answer: Tropical Savanna Region

17. Which of the following is the LEAST visible form of land erosion?
  1. Gully erosion
  2. Landslides
  3. Sheet erosion
  4. Ravine formation

Answer: Sheet erosion

18. Relative Humidity is measured by
  1. Barometer
  2. Thermometer
  3. Raingauge
  4. Hygrometer

Answer: Hygrometer

19. Which of the following biomes is characterized by hardwood trees and they generally shed their leaves in autumn?
  1. Tundra
  2. Taiga
  3. Savanna
  4. Temperate Forest

Answer: Temperate Forest

20. ________ soil is also known as the ‘Regur Soil’.
  1. Laterite
  2. Arid
  3. Black
  4. Desert

Answer: Black

21. The percolation rate of water is the least in ........... soil.
  1. clay
  2. sandy
  3. gravel
  4. loamy

Answer: clay

22. Biome located only in the Northern Hemisphere
  1. Tropical Savanna
  2. Taiga
  3. Tundra
  4. Cold Desert

Answer: Tundra

23. Soils high in swelling clays which crack widely upon drying resulting in shrinkage, shearing and soil mass movement are characteristics of
  1. Ultisols
  2. Entisols
  3. Podsols
  4. Vertisols

Answer: Vertisols

24. Tropical Evergreen Forests are also known as ______.
  1. Tropical Mangrove Forests
  2. Tropical Rainforests
  3. Tropical Coniferous Forests
  4. Tropical Deciduous Forests

Answer: Tropical Rainforests

25. The colour of soil which is formed by Basalt
  1. Red
  2. Yellow
  3. White
  4. Black

Answer: Black

26. The Puna grassland ecoregion is found in which of the following continents?
  1. Asia
  2. Africa
  3. North America
  4. South America

Answer: South America

27. The microrelief of soils produced by expansion and contraction with changes in moisture is known as
  1. Fluvial deposits
  2. Gilgai
  3. Mottling
  4. Heaving

Answer: Gilgai

28. Which group of microorganisms have highest biomass in soil
  1. Bacteria
  2. Actinomycetes
  3. Fungi
  4. Algae

Answer: Fungi

29. If quartz and feldspar are predominantly observed in sandstone, then it is called
  1. Conglomerate
  2. Breccia
  3. Arkose
  4. Shale

Answer: Arkose

30. Laterite Soil is poor in lime but rich in ________.
  1. Iron
  2. Phosphorous
  3. Calcium
  4. None of the above

Answer: Iron

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