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49. Share premium received by issuing shares can be used for ___________.
- [A] payment of dividend
- [B] issue of bonus share
- [C] remuneration to management
- [D] any business purpose
Answer: Option [B]
50. Under the companies act, which of the following powers can be exercised by the board of
- [A] Power to sell any of the companies undertaking
- [B] Power to make call.
- [C] Power to borrow money in excess of the paid up capital.
- [D] Power to reappoint on auditor
Answer: Option [B]
51. The liability of shareholders of a public company is limited to the _________.
- [A] paid up value of shares
- [B] nominal value of shares
- [C] extent of their private assets
- [D] amounts called up.
Answer: Option [A]
52. Under the Indian Companies Act, 1956, a person can be a Director in ___________.
- [A] 7 companies.
- [B] 10 companies
- [C] 20 companies
- [D] 25 companies.
Answer: Option [C]
53. Investment in which of the following is most risky?
- [A] equity shares
- [B] preference shares
- [C] debenture
- [D] Land
Answer: Option [A]
54. Which of the following is not an ownership security?
- [A] equity shares.
- [B] debentures.
- [C] preference shares.
- [D] None of the above
Answer: Option [B]
55. In which of the following, interest and dividend is payable even if the company does not earn
- [A] equity capital
- [B] preference capital.
- [C] debentures
- [D] bonds
Answer: Option [C]
56. Debentures cannot be _____________
- [A] irredemable debentures.
- [B] participating debentures
- [C] registered debentures
- [D] earear debbentures
Answer: Option [C]
57. The existence of a joint stock company is interrupted by ______________.
- [A] the death of its members
- [B] the death of its directors.
- [C] the death or insolvency of its manigins; director
- [D] none of these
Answer: Option [D]
58. When an existing company offers its shares for sale to the existing shareholders, it is known
- [A] private placing
- [B] bonus issue
- [C] rights issue
- [D] offer for sale.
Answer: Option [C]
59. A ___________ is a combination of two companies to form a new company.
- [A] merger
- [B] public
- [C] private
- [D] private
Answer: Option [A]
60. Promoter is a person who__________.
- [A] takes part in the incorporation of a company.
- [B] is a director.
- [C] is a relative of the managing director.
- [D] works to siva publicity to the co.
Answer: Option [A]