
Exception Handling - Java Exam Multiple Choice Questions and Answers

(1) Which of the following does not deal with exceptions?
[A] throws
[B] throw
[C] finalize
[D] finally


Answer: Option [C]

finalize is a method and all other three are keywords. finalize() method is defined in java.lang.Object class. finalize() method is called to perform specific actions before Garbage collector reclaim the object.

(2) URL throws an exception called
[A] IllegalURLException
[B] URLException
[C] MalformedHostException
[D] MalformedURLException


Answer: Option [D]

MalformedURLException thrown to indicate when a illegal URL has occured.

(3) Event handling is done by objects which
[A] Contain code for running an applet
[B] Contain code for creating a window
[C] Contain code for responding to an event generated by a logical input device
[D] Contain code for responding to program generated exceptions


Answer: Option [C]
(4) Which class is base class for all exceptions?
[A] String
[B] Error
[C] Throwable
[D] RuntimeException


Answer: Option [C]

Throwbale class is in java.lang and it is the base class for all Exceptions

(5) Java’s exception handling mechanism is meant to handle
[A] only compile time errors
[B] only syntax errors
[C] only runtime errors
[D] both runtime and compile time errors


Answer: Option [C]

Java’s exception handling mechanism handle errors such as divide integer by zero, ClassNotFound etc.
