
Multiple Choice Questions and Answers on HTML | Page-13

(61) How can you open a link in a new browser window ?
[A] <a href=”url target=”_blank”>
[B] <a href=”url target=”new”>
[C] <a href=”url” blank>
[D] None of the above


Answer: Option [A]
(62) If the background image is smaller than the screen, what will happen ?
[A] It will be streteched
[B] It will be repeated
[C] It will leave a blank space at the bottom of your page
[D] None of the above


Answer: Option [B]
(63) The HTML tags are all
[A] in lower case
[B] in upper case
[C] case sensitive
[D] not case sensitive


Answer: Option [D]
(64) The <i> tag makes text.... ?
[A] Inline
[B] Underline
[C] Italic
[D] None of the above


Answer: Option [C]
(65) Why should you add alternative text to your images ?
[A] So the user can save the image using the text as a name
[B] So the users can get an idea of what the image is before
[C] In case the user wishes to load a different picture
[D] All of the above


Answer: Option [B]