
MCQ Questions with Answers on Data Communication and Computer Networks

(1) In circuit-switching, the path
[A] upto destination is allocated before the transmission of message begins
[B] upto next intermediate node is allocated before the transmission of message begins
[C] to be followed depends on the length of the message
[D] none of the above


Answer: Option [A]

In Circuit-switching the two source and destination nodes establish a dedicated communication channel before the actual begins.

(2) In which of the following networks, reassembly buffers are required ?
[A] Packet-switched networks
[B] Circuit-switched networks
[C] Message-switched networks
[D] None of these


Answer: Option [B]
(3) Which of the networks allow different speed links ?
[A] Message-switched networks
[B] Packet-switched networks
[C] Circuit-switched networks
[D] None of these above


Answer: Option [B]

Packet switched networks allow different speed links. This network arranges all transmitted data suitable sized block called packets.

(4) Switching systems
[A] are limited to small data networks
[B] require additional lines
[C] are not used presently
[D] none of these


Answer: Option [B]
(5) Which of the following networks supports pipelining effect ?
[A] Circuit-switched networks
[B] Message-switched networks
[C] Packet-switched networks
[D] None of the above


Answer: Option [C]

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