
Entity Relationship Model MCQs | Database Management System Objective Questions and Answers

(1) Every weak entity set can be converted into a strong entity set by :
[A] using generalization
[B] adding appropriate attributes
[C] using aggregation
[D] none of the above


Answer: Option [B]
(2) A weak entity set in an E-R diagram is an entity set that :
[A] has a primary key
[B] must be part of a one to many relationship set
[C] is not existence dependent on a dominant entity
[D] must not participate as owner in an identifying relationship with another entity set


Answer: Option [B]
(3) E-R model uses which symbol to represent weak entity set :
[A] Dotted rectangle
[B] Diamond
[C] Doubly outlined rectangle
[D] None of the above


Answer: Option [C]
(4) In an E-R, Y is the dominant entity and X is a subordinate entity. Then which of the following is incorrect ?
[A] operationally, If Y is deleted, so is X
[B] X existence is dependent on Y
[C] operationally, if X is deleted, so is Y
[D] operationally, if X is deleted, Y remains the same


Answer: Option [B]
(5) The ER model includes additional concepts like :
[A] Specialization
[B] Generalization
[C] Categorization
[D] All of the above


Answer: Option [D]

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