
One Word Substitution MCQ - Objective Questions and Answers for RRB Exam | Page-7

61 A policy that segregates people on the basis of race.
[A] Theism
[B] Partisan
[C] Apartheid
[D] Chauvinism

Answer: Option [C]
62 Design made by putting together coloured pieces of glass of stones.
[A] Mosaic
[B] Tracery
[C] Relief
[D] Oleograph

Answer: Option [A]


63 Poem in short stanzas narrating a popular story.
[A] Epic
[B] Ballad
[C] Ballet
[D] Sonnet

Answer: Option [B]
64 The schedule of travel.
[A] Guidebook
[B] Travelbook
[C] Time-table
[D] Itinerary

Answer: Option [D]
65 A Person Who Does Not Believe In God
[A] Atheist
[B] Ascetic
[C] Arbitrator
[D] Amateur

Answer: Option [A]
66 A person with a long experience of any occupation
[A] Veteran
[B] Genius
[C] Seasoned
[D] Ambidexterous

Answer: Option [A]
67 Words written on a tomb
[A] Epithet
[B] Epigraph
[C] Soliloquy
[D] Epitaph

Answer: Option [D]
68 Stealthily done
[A] Devious
[B] Nefarious
[C] Surreptitious
[D] Villainous

Answer: Option [C]
69 Something no longer in use
[A] Desolate
[B] Absolute
[C] Obsolete
[D] Primitive

Answer: Option [C]
70 One not concerned with right or wrong
[A] Moral
[B] Amoral
[C] Immoral
[D] Immortal

Answer: Option [B]

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