
Mughal Empire - General Knowledge Questions & Answers for Competitive Exam | Page-13

(61) The Moti Masjid in Delhi was built during the reign of:
[A] Shah Alam II
[B] Shah Jahan
[C] Humayun
[D] Aurangzeb


Answer: Option [D]

The correct answer is Aurangzeb. The mosque was built by the Mughal emperor Aurangzeb at the Red Fort complex in Delhi, India, from 1659-1660 for his 2nd wife Nawab Bai.

(62) The Mughal emperor, who died to a sudden fall from the staircase, was:
[A] Aurangzeb
[B] Humayun
[C] Babar
[D] Jahangir


Answer: Option [B]

On 24 January 1556, Humayun, with his arms full of books, was descending the staircase from his library Sher Mandal when the muezzin announced the Azaan (the call to prayer).

(63) Bernier visited India during the reign of :
[A] Shahjahan
[B] Aurangzeb
[C] Jahangir
[D] Akbar


Answer: Option [B]

The foreign travellers viz. Francois Bernier (French), Jean Baptiste Travernier (French), Jean de Thevenot (French), Nicola Manucci(Italian), etc. visited during the reign of Mughal emperor Aurangzeb.

(64) The account of Babur’s life was written in:
[A] Arabic
[B] Turki
[C] Urdu
[D] Persian


Answer: Option [B]

The account of Babur’s life was written in Turki.

(65) The king generally considered to be the greatest ruler of Kashmir in the 15th century was:
[A] Shah Mirza
[B] Yusuf Shah
[C] Zain-ul-Abidin
[D] Haider Shah


Answer: Option [C]

The king generally considered to be the greatest ruler of Kashmir in the 15th century was Zain-ul-Abidin. Zain-ul-Abidin was the eighth sultan of Kashmir. He is one of the very few rulers who ruled for about 50 years.

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