
General Knowledge for Competitive Exams - Important Questions and Answers

(6) Babar laid the foundation of mughal empire in 1526 by defeating :
[A] Rana Sanga
[B] Daulat Khan Lodi
[C] Ibrahim Lodi
[D] Alauddin Khilji


Answer: Option [C]

Babur defeated Ibrahim Lodi at the First Battle of Panipat in 1526 CE and founded the Mughal empire. He faced opposition from Rana Sanga, who at first promised to help Babur defeat Ibrahim Lodi; however he later backed out upon realising that Babur had plans to stay in India.

(7) When Akbar was young, his guardian was :
[A] Abul Fazal
[B] Hemu
[C] Faizal
[D] Bairam Khan


Answer: Option [D]

He accompanied Humayun during his exile in Persia and helped conquer Kandahar before serving as its governor for nine years. In 1556, he played a leading role as a commander in Humayun's reconquest of Hindustan. Following Humayun's death in 1556, Bairam Khan was appointed regent over the young monarch Akbar.

(8) Akbar assumed actual control over the administration of his empire in:
[A] 1556
[B] 1558
[C] 1560
[D] 1562


Answer: Option [C]

Akbar assumed actual control over the administration of his empire in 1560

Akbar (ruled 1556–1605) was proclaimed emperor amid gloomy circumstances. Delhi and Agra were threatened by Hemu—the Hindu general of the Sur ruler, ?Adil Shah—and Mughal governors were being driven from all parts of northern India. Akbar’s hold over a fraction of the Punjab—the only territory in his possession—was disputed by Sikandar Sur and was precarious. There was also disloyalty among Akbar’s own followers. The task before Akbar was to reconquer the empire and consolidate it by ensuring control over its frontiers and, moreover, by providing it with a firm administrative machinery. He received unstinting support from the regent, Bayram Khan, until 1560. The Mughal victory at Panipat (November 1556) and the subsequent recovery of Mankot, Gwalior, and Jaunpur demolished the Afghan threat in upper India.

(9) The court language of Mughals was :
[A] Persian
[B] Arabic
[C] Urdu
[D] Hindi


Answer: Option [A]

Persian continued to remain the official language of the Mughal court. It is also because many Persian artists, craftsmen and learned people came to India and settled here during the Mughal period

(10) Which one of the following rulers assumed the title of Hazrat-i-Ala?
[A] Sher Shah Suri
[B] Mohammad-bin-Tughlaq
[C] Alauddin Khilji
[D] Balban


Answer: Option [A]

Sher Shah Suri assumed the title of Hazrat-i-Ala. Sher Shah was the founder of the Sur Empire in the northern part of the Indian subcontinent. He defeated Nusrat Shah, Sultan of Bengal after he attacked south Bihar, became the virtual ruler of south Bihar and assumed the title of Hazrat-i-Ala.

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