
Mughal Empire - General Knowledge Questions & Answers for Competitive Exam | Page-21

(101) Mansab word is stood for:
[A] a rank
[B] an office
[C] a grade of pay
[D] a piece of land


Answer: Option [A]

Mansab word is stood for a rank. The word mansab is of Arabic origin meaning rank or position. The system determined the rank and status of a government official and military generals. Every civil and military officer was given a mansab, which determined their salaries & allowances.

(102) The ‘Jaziya’ was abolished by:
[A] Babar
[B] Akbar
[C] Sher Shah
[D] Muhammad-Bin-Tughlaq


Answer: Option [B]

The ‘Jaziya’ was abolished by Akbar. Jizya tax was a per capita yearly taxation levied in the form of financial charge on permanent non-muslim subjects of a state governed by Islamic law. Complete step by step solution: Akbar abolished the Jizya Tax in 1564. Unlike other rulers, Akbar thought of Indian subcontinent as his homeland.

(103) Tobacco was introduced for cultivation during the reign of:
[A] Sher Shah Suri
[B] Aurangzeb
[C] Akbar
[D] Jahangir


Answer: Option [D]

Tobacco was introduced for cultivation during the reign of Jahangir. Tobacco was introduced to India during the reign of Akbar by the Portuguese. The first tobacco plant was established in Gujrat in 1613 and it was also exported to Arakan and Pegu.

(104) Which of the following Mughal emperor’s tomb is outside India ?
[A] Aurangzeb
[B] Shah Jahan
[C] Jahangir
[D] Akbar


Answer: Option [C]

The tomb of the Jahangir who ruled the Mughal Empire from 1605 to 1627 CE, is outside India in Shahdara bagh in Lahore, Punjab that is located in Pakistan.

(105) When Akbar surrounded Chittor fort, who saved it for four months ?
[A] Jaimal
[B] Bhama Shah
[C] Rana Pratap
[D] Uday Singh


Answer: Option [A]

The correct answer is Jaimal. When Akbar surrounded Chittor fort Jaimal saved it for four months.

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