
Mughal Empire - General Knowledge Questions & Answers for Competitive Exam | Page-30

(146) During whose reign did the Rajput of Mewar submit to the Mughals and recognized, for the first time, the suzerainty of the empire ?
[A] Shahjahan
[B] Akbar
[C] Jahangir
[D] Aurangzeb


Answer: Option [C]

During Jahangir's reign, the Rajput of Mewar submitted to the Mughals and recognized, for the first time, the suzerainty of the empire.

(147) “If there were similar portraits finished by several artists, I could point out the painter of each.” Who said this ?
[A] Jahangir
[B] Shah Jahan
[C] Sher Shah
[D] Akbar


Answer: Option [A]

“If there were similar portraits finished by several artists, I could point out the painter of each.” said by Jahangir.

(148) Which popular Sufi Silsilha tried to counteract the liberal religious policy of Akbar ?
[A] Suharwadi
[B] Qadri
[C] Chishti
[D] Naqshbandi


Answer: Option [D]

The Naqshbandi order stems from the Silsilah Khwajagan, which originally developed in Turkestan. Naqshabandi silsila gained momentum in the last years of Akbar's reign, with the arrival of its prominent leader, Khwaja Baqi Billah in Delhi from Kabul.

(149) Dara Shikoh finally lost the war of succession to Aurangzeb in the battle of:
[A] Deora
[B] Khanua
[C] Dharmat
[D] Samugarh


Answer: Option [D]

Dara Shikoh finally lost the war of succession to Aurangzeb in the battle of Samugarh. The battle of Samugarh was fought between his sons Dara Shikoh and his two younger brothers Aurangzeb and Murad Baksh (third and fourth sons of Shah Jahan) to decide who will be the heir of the throne after their father.

(150) During the reign of Emperor Akbar, famous mem Haribans, Mukund and Daswant were:
[A] Painters
[B] Warriors
[C] Writers
[D] Architects


Answer: Option [A]

During the reign of Emperor Akbar, famous mem Haribans, Mukund and Daswant were Painters.

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