
Olympic Games - GK Multiple Choice Questions and Answers

(1) At which of the following Olympic Games was the Olympic oath taken for the first time?
[A] 1936, Berlin
[B] 1920, Antwerp
[C] 1968, Mexico City
[D] 1956, Melbourne

Answer: Option [B]
(2) Who of the following in 1896 became the first champion of the modern Olympic Games?
[A] Norman Pitchard
[B] Paul Masson
[C] Carl Schumann
[D] James Connolly

Answer: Option [D]
(3) Who of the following was the first person to complete the 100 m event in under 10 seconds?
[A] Jim Hines
[B] Jesse Ownes
[C] Usain Bolt
[D] Ben Johnson

Answer: Option [A]
(4) Who of the following gymnasts was the first to be awarded a perfect score of 10 in an Olympic gymnastic event?
[A] Elena Mukhina
[B] Nellie Kim
[C] Nadia Comaneci
[D] Yelena Davydova

Answer: Option [C]
(5) Who of the following was the first female Olympic champion?
[A] Helen Jackson
[B] Charlotte Cooper
[C] Agnes Morton
[D] Louise Martin

Answer: Option [B]
