
CBSE Class 12 Biology Quiz | CBSE Class 12 Biology Multiple Choice Questions(MCQs) with Answers

61 Niche is defined as
[A] a component of an ecosystem
[B] an ecologically adapted zone of a species
[C] the physical position and functional role of a species within the community
[D] all plants and animals living at the bottom of a water body.
Answer: the physical position and functional role of a species within the community
62 Animals from colder climates generally have shorter limbs. This is called
[A] Allen’s rule
[B] Niche rule
[C] Johnson’s rule
[D] Arber’s rule
Answer: Allen’s rule


63 Cyanobacteria are used as biofertilisers because they
[A] are photosynthetic
[B] grow easily anywhere
[C] have mucilage
[D] fix atmospheric nitrogen
Answer: fix atmospheric nitrogen
64 Methanogens, growing anaerobically on cellulosic material, produce
[A] methane, carbon dioxide, hydrogen.
[B] methane and hydrogen
[C] methane and carbon dioxide
[D] methane gas
Answer: methane, carbon dioxide, hydrogen.
65 The residue left after methane production from cattle dung is
[A] used as manure
[B] used in civil construction.
[C] burnt
[D] burned in land fills
Answer: used as manure
66 The vitamin whose content increases following the conversion of milk into curd by lactic acid bacteria is [NCERT Exemplar]
[A] vitamin B12
[B] vitamin E.
[C] vitamin C
[D] vitamin D
Answer: vitamin B12
67 BOD of waste water is estimated by measuring the amount of [NCERT Exemplar]
[A] oxygen evolution
[B] oxygen consumption
[C] total organic matter
[D] biodegradable organic matter
Answer: oxygen consumption
68 Which one of the following is not a nitrogenfixing organism? [NCERT Exemplar]
[A] Pseudomonas
[B] Azotobacter
[C] Anabaena
[D] Nostoc
Answer: Pseudomonas
69 The primary treatment of waste water involves the removal of [NCERT Exemplar]
[A] stable particles
[B] harmful bacteria.
[C] dissolved impurities
[D] toxic substances
Answer: stable particles
70 Propionibacterium produces large holes in swiss cheese due to the
[A] formation of large amount of CO2
[B] consumption of carbohydrates
[C] process of oxidation of the dough
[D] all of these
Answer: formation of large amount of CO2
71 Bacillus thuringiensis is used to control
[A] insect pests
[B] bacterial pathogens
[C] fungal pathogens
[D] nematodes
Answer: insect pests
72 Lactic acid is formed by the process of
[A] fermentation
[B] glycolysis
[C] citric acid cycle
[D] P-oxidation
Answer: fermentation
73 Which one of the following combination would a sugarcane farmer look for in the sugarcane crop?
[A] Thick stem, long intemodes, high sugar content and disease resistant.
[B] Thick stem, low sugar content, disease resistant.
[C] Thick stem, high sugar content and profuse flowering.
[D] Thick stem, short intemodes, high sugar content, disease resistant.
Answer: Thick stem, long intemodes, high sugar content and disease resistant.
74 The biggest constraint of plant breeding is
[A] availability of desirable gene in the crop and its wild relatives.
[B] infrastructure.
[C] trained manpower.
[D] transfer of genes from unrelated sources.
Answer: availability of desirable gene in the crop and its wild relatives.
75 Inbreeding is carried out in animal husbandry because it
[A] increases heterozygosity.
[B] increases homozygosity.
[C] increases vigour.
[D] improves the breed.
Answer: increases homozygosity.
76 Breeding of crops to increase the levels of essential nutrients, is called
[A] biotechnology.
[B] biofortification.
[C] biomagnification.
[D] bioinformatics.
Answer: biofortification.
77 The technique of obtaining a large number of plantlets by tissue culture method is known as
[A] organ culture.
[B] micropropagation.
[C] plantlet culture.
[D] macropropagation.
Answer: micropropagation.
78 Transplantation of tissues/organs to save certain patients often fails due to rejection of such tissues/organs by the patient. Which type of immune response is responsible for such rejections? [NCERT Exemplar]
[A] auto-immune response
[B] humoral immune response
[C] physiological immune response
[D] cell-mediated immune response
Answer: cell-mediated immune response
79 Many diseases can be diagnosed by observing the symptoms in the patient. Which group of symptoms are indicative of pneumonia? [NCERT Exemplar]
[A] High fever, weakness, stomach pain, loss of appetite and constipation
[B] Constipation, abdominal pain, cramps, blood clots
[C] Difficulty in respiration, fever, chills, cough, headache
[D] Nasal congestion and discharge, cough, sorethroat, headache
Answer: Difficulty in respiration, fever, chills, cough, headache
80 The substance produced by a cell on viral infection that can protect other cells from further infection is [NCERT Exemplar]
[A] interferon
[B] histamine
[C] serotonin
[D] colostrum
Answer: interferon

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