
Geology Quiz | Geology Multiple Choice Questions with Answers

61 Which of the following accessory plates is used to obtain interference figures ?
[A] Gypsum Plate
[B] Bertrand Lense
[C] Mica Plate
[D] Quartz Wedge
Answer: Gypsum Plate
62 Which of the following minerals is isotropic under the microscope ?
[A] Garnet
[B] Plagioclase
[C] Biotite
[D] Quartz
Answer: Garnet


63 Which of the following is the weakest bond ?
[A] Ionic Bond
[B] Covalent Bond
[C] Metallic Bond
[D] Van der Waal
Answer: Van der Waal
64 Becke line method is used to determine the
[A] Bireferingence
[B] Double refraction
[C] Pleochroism
[D] Relative Refractive Index
Answer: Relative Refractive Index
65 Euler’s Formula is Where, F = number of faces, V = number of vertices and E = number of edges
[A] F + V = E + 2
[B] F – V = E + 2
[C] F + V = E – 2
[D] F – V = E – 2
Answer: F + V = E + 2
66 Chiastolite is a variety of which mineral ?
[A] Andalusite
[B] Kyanite
[C] Sillimanite
[D] Anthophyllite
Answer: Andalusite
67 Which of the following minerals is not an example of phyllosilicate ?
[A] Pyrophyllite
[B] Kaolinite
[C] Chlorite
[D] Anthophyllite
Answer: Anthophyllite
68 Guyots are formed in
[A] Oceans
[B] Mountains
[C] Desert
[D] River Bed
Answer: Oceans
69 Esker is a type of
[A] Moraine deposit
[B] Eolian deposit
[C] Glacial deposit
[D] Fluvial deposit
Answer: Glacial deposit
70 Which of the following is formed by chemical weathering ?
[A] Morains
[B] Bauxite
[C] Gorge
[D] Bajada
Answer: Gorge
71 Which of the following is associated with volcano ?
[A] Tillite
[B] Morain
[C] Varve
[D] Tephra
Answer: Tephra
72 Which of the following are barchans ?
[A] Deflection Basin
[B] Oasis
[C] Crescent shaped dunes
[D] Sand storms
Answer: Crescent shaped dunes
73 What are the two most abundant elements in nebula (gas clouds) in the universe ?
[A] Hydrogen and Helium
[B] Nitrogen and Oxygen
[C] Oxygen and Silicon
[D] Iron and Nickel
Answer: Hydrogen and Helium
74 Isostasy term was first used by
[A] Airy
[B] Wagner
[C] Dalton
[D] Pratt
Answer: Airy
75 The normal magnetic polarity epoch older to Matuyama Reverse and younger to Gilbert Reverse is known as
[A] Gauss Normal
[B] Brunches Normal
[C] Hutton Normal
[D] There is no such Normal Epoch and Gilbert Reverse directly passes to Matuyama Reverse
Answer: Gauss Normal
76 What is ‘dun’ ?
[A] A plain land within mountain
[B] A transverse valley cut by river
[C] A recent valley
[D] A wide longitudinal strike valley
Answer: A wide longitudinal strike valley

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