
HIV Quiz | HIV Multiple Choice Questions and Answers

(1) The virus that causes acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS) parasitizes
[A] Helper T cells
[B] The membrane of lymph nodes
[C] cytoxic Tcells
[D] B cells
Answer: Helper T cells
(2) AIDS spread due to
[A] Infected Needles And Syringes
[B] Immoral Way Of Life
[C] Homosexuality
[D] All Of The Above
Answer: All Of The Above


(3) The causative agent for AIDS was first of all identified in 1984 and was named as
[B] HIV-1
[C] HIV-2
Answer: HIV-1
(4) Development of vaccine is difficult for AIDS because env gene
[A] integrates its genome into that of helper T cells
[B] undergoes reverse transcription
[C] undergoes mutation at rapid rate
[D] integrates into large number of host genes
Answer: undergoes mutation at rapid rate
(5) HIV belongs to which of the following families of virus?
[A] Lentivirus
[B] Adenovirus
[C] Togavirus
[D] Reovirus
Answer: Lentivirus
(6) AIDS is
[A] Pandemic
[B] Sporadic
[C] Endemic
[D] Epidemic
Answer: Pandemic
(7) AIDS testing on normal individuals is done by
[A] Identification of antibodies
[B] Identification of antigen-toxin
[C] Reduction in immunity of the individuals
[D] Separation by virus
Answer: Identification of antibodies
(8) The confirmatory test used to diagnose AIDS is
[A] Western blot
Answer: Western blot
(9) Which of the following could be called immune disorder?
[B] AIDS and cholera
[C] Hepatitis and leukaemia
[D] AIDS and cholera
Answer: SCID and AIDS
(10) HIV virus has a protein coat and a genetic material which is
[A] Single stranded RNA
[B] Single stranded DNA
[C] Double stranded RNA
[D] Double stranded DNA
Answer: Single stranded RNA
(11) AZT ( 3’-azido 2’, 3’ -dideoxy thymine) is used in the treatment of
[A] Kala-azar
[B] malaria
[D] Malaria
Answer: AIDS
(12) AIDS is caused by
[A] Bacterium
[B] Blood cancer
[C] Human T-cell leukaemia virus
Answer: Human T-cell leukaemia virus
(13) AIDS can be transmitted by
[A] Handshake
[B] Blood transfusion
[C] Courtship
[D] all of the above
Answer: Blood transfusion
(14) AIDS was first reported in
[A] U.S.A
[B] Germany
[C] France
[D] Russia
Answer: U.S.A
(15) AIDS (Acquired Immuno Deficiency Syndrome) Day is
[A] December 1
[B] June 1
[C] December 20
[D] May 1
Answer: December 1
(16) In which country AIDS was first clinically observed?
[A] The United States
[B] Norway
[C] Pakistan
[D] India
Answer: The United States
(17) Which body is responsible for formulating policy and implementing programs for the prevention and control of HIV in India?
Answer: NACO
(18) What is India’s position in HIV infected in the world?
[A] Third
[B] Fourth
[C] Second
[D] First
Answer: Third
(19) When did the World Health Organization first proposed a definition for AIDS?
[A] 1986
[B] 1976
[C] 1966
[D] 1956
Answer: 1986
(20) How many clinical staging systems are used to classify HIV and HIV related disease for surveillance purposes?
[A] Two
[B] Four
[C] Three
[D] One
Answer: Four

The clinical staging of HIV-related disease for adults and children and the simplified immunological classification are harmonized to a universal four-stage system that includes simplified standardized descriptors of clinical staging events.

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