
Marriage in Sociology Quiz | Marriage in Sociology Short Questions and Answers

41 Who defined family in this way? ‘The family is a group of persons united by the ties of marriage, blood, or adoption; constituting a single household, interacting and intercommunicating with each other in their respective social role of husband and wife, mother and father, brother and sister; creating a common culture’.
[A] E.W. Burgess and H. J. Locke
[B] Park and Burgess
[C] Maclver and Page
[D] L.H. Morgan
Answer: E.W. Burgess and H. J. Locke
42 In a distribution of 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, the x̅ is 30, the sum of deviations from x̅ will be:
[A] 15
[B] 60
[C] 0
[D] 30
Answer: 0


43 According to_________________ method, an ideal is constructed from concrete cases and then a particular case is evaluated according to the degree of its approximation to the ideals.
[A] Ideal type
[B] Experimental
[C] Inverse deductive
[D] Comparative
Answer: Ideal type
44 Rural and urban centres have co-existed in India, except for a brief interlude during the
[A] Rig-vedic period
[B] Gupta period
[C] Indus valley
[D] Medieval period
Answer: Rig-vedic period
45 Rural and urban centres share some common facets of life. They show
[A] Interdependence
[B] Cooperation
[C] Antagonism
[D] Contradiction
Answer: Interdependence
46 It can be said that in India and perhaps also in……… , the political role of the priestly class has shaped political thought and religion.
[A] Byzatium, the Inca Empire and Ancient Egypt
[B] China and Japan
[C] Byzatium
[D] China and Mesopotamia
Answer: Byzatium, the Inca Empire and Ancient Egypt
47 The term ‘Legitimacy’ stands for
[A] Lawfulness
[B] Absolute power
[C] Attachment
[D] Coercion
Answer: Lawfulness
48 As compared to Marx’s analysis, Weber’s analysis of social stratification is
[A] Ambiguous
[B] More complex and diversified
[C] Simple
[D] Exhaustive
Answer: More complex and diversified
49 Whose opinion is this? ‘Stratification is an inevitable part of all human societies. If value consensus is an essential component of all societies, then it follows that some form of stratification will result from the ranking of individuals in terms of common value.’
[A] T. Parsons
[B] M. Tumin
[C] K. Davis
[D] K. Marx
Answer: T. Parsons
50 The Indian approach to planning is
[A] Dictatorial
[B] Democratic
[C] Totalitarian
[D] Communistic
Answer: Democratic
51 Who holds the view that? Vedas says that family property is not property of the family. But was the property of the head of house, usually the father, and that the other members of the family only had moral claims upon it which the father could ignore.
[A] Macdonell and Keith
[B] S.C. Dubey
[C] Max Muller
[D] Sachchidanand
Answer: Macdonell and Keith
52 Who among the following has examined the effect of modern division of labour on work and leisure?
[A] G. Friedmann
[B] R. Centres
[C] T. Veblen
[D] Huntington
Answer: G. Friedmann
53 Who has given the concept of status-set?
[A] R.K. Merton
[B] Parson
[C] T. Parsons
[D] None of the above
Answer: R.K. Merton
54 Name the sociologist who had made distinction between achieved status and ascribed status.
[A] C.H. Cooley
[B] R. Linton
[C] R.K. Merton
[D] K. Davis
Answer: R. Linton
55 Reflexive role-taking is defined by
[A] G.H. Mead
[B] R. Linton
[C] C.H. Cooley
[D] M. Mead
Answer: G.H. Mead
56 Which among the following is not true regarding, ‘reflexive role taking’?
[A] The concept of reflexive role taking is like precedence of one role over another.
[B] The concept of reflexive role taking is similar to the Cooley’s concept of the looking-glass self.
[C] Taking the role of another by viewing oneself from the point of view of the other
[D] Reflexive role taking allows a person to become object in himself as other’s see him
Answer: The concept of reflexive role taking is like precedence of one role over another.
57 Behaviour of an individual in a particular role providing a pattern or model upon which another individual bases his behaviour in performing the same role is called
[A] Model
[B] Role pattern
[C] Role model
[D] Role actor
Answer: Role model
58 The precedence of one role over another is called
[A] Preferential role
[B] Role order
[C] Role primary
[D] Primary role
Answer: Role primary
59 The change from the occupational role to the retirement role is an example of situation involving a degree of
[A] role discontinuity
[B] primary role
[C] role -detachment
[D] preferential role
Answer: role discontinuity
60 Which of the following terms was used for an ordinary fortified town where inland trade was an important activity?
[A] Nagara
[B] Kheta
[C] Pattana
[D] Rajdhani
Answer: Nagara

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