
Microbiology Quiz | Microbiology MCQs and Answers

81 Most common site of obstruction in gallstone ileus is?
[A] Colon
[B] Illumine
[C] Jejunum
[D] Duodenum
Answer: Illumine
82 Characteristic features of kwashiorkor include following EXEPT?
[A] Anorexia
[B] Flaky paint dematosis
[C] Hepatomegaly
[D] Splenomegaly
Answer: Splenomegaly


83 Which of the following statements about aging is true?
[A] Zoo animals have shorter lifespans than animals in their normal habitat
[B] All animal species have approximately the same lifespan
[C] Men are programmed to live longer than women.
[D] Identical twins have a natural lifespan of approximately similar duration
Answer: Identical twins have a natural lifespan of approximately similar duration
84 The true statement about Zenker's diverticulum is;
[A] It is outpouching of ant.pharyngeal wall above the cricopharyngeus muscle
[B] Barium swallow lateral view for diagnosis is the best investigation
[C] it is a true diverticulum
[D] it is congenital
Answer: It is outpouching of ant.pharyngeal wall above the cricopharyngeus muscle
85 True regarding Felty's syndrome is all EXCEPT
[A] Splenomegaly
[B] Rheumatoid arthritis
[C] Neutropenia
[D] Nephropathy
Answer: Nephropathy
86 Commonest histology of carcinoma of endometrium is?
[A] Squamous cell
[B] Clear cell
[C] Adeno carcinoma
[D] Anaplastic carcinoma
Answer: Adeno carcinoma
87 Which statement is not true regarding Cryptic military Tuberculosis?
[A] X-ray diagnsis is possible
[B] It is seen in PEM Children
[C] Mntoux test is negative
[D] Leucocytosis is seen
Answer: It is seen in PEM Children
88 Choose among the following the most important lab finding in nephrotic syndrome?
[A] B-J protine
[B] hyperkalemia
[C] hypoalbuminemia
[D] hypertension
Answer: hypoalbuminemia
89 In twin pregnancy, treatment of choice when first baby is in transverse lie is:
[A] Home delivery
[B] Cesarean section
[C] High forceps
[D] Low forceps after external rotation
Answer: Cesarean section
90 The relationship between incidence and prevalence can be expressed as the?
[A] Product of incidence and mean duration of disease
[B] Divident of incidence and mean duration of disease
[C] Sum of incidence and mean duration of disease
[D] Difference of incidence and mean duration of disease
Answer: Product of incidence and mean duration of disease
91 Coagulative necrosis is seen in all except?
[A] Myocardial infarction
[B] Burns
[C] Tuberculosis
[D] Zenker's degeneration
Answer: Zenker's degeneration
92 Satiety center in hypothalamus is regulated by?
[A] Gastric dilatation
[B] Blood glucose levels
[C] Blood insulin levels
[D] All of the above
Answer: Blood glucose levels
93 Mc Ardles disease is due to the deficiency of?
[A] Glu 1 phosphatase
[B] Gluc1, 6 diphosphatase
[C] Gluc 6 phosphatase
[D] Myophosphorylase
Answer: Myophosphorylase
94 Bagasosis can be prevented by spraying Bagasse with?
[A] 10% acetic acid
[B] 5% acetic acid
[C] 1% propionic acid
[D] 2% propionic acid
Answer: 2% propionic acid
95 Epithelium of cornea is?
[A] Pseudostratified
[B] Transitional
[C] Stratified squamous keratinized
[D] Stratified squamous non-keratinised
Answer: Stratified squamous non-keratinised
96 Ideal treatment of Tinosporidiosis is:
[A] Rifamipicin
[B] Excision with cautery at base
[C] Dapsone
[D] Laser
Answer: Excision with cautery at base
97 The most effective treatment in the early stages of trachoma is?
[A] Penicillin locally
[B] Choromycetin systemically
[C] Sulphonamides systemically
[D] Soframycin locally
Answer: Sulphonamides systemically
98 A Post- Thyroidectomy patient develops signs and symptoms of Tetany. The management is?
[A] I.v.Calcium gluconate
[B] Bicarbonate
[C] Calcitonin
[D] Vitamin D
Answer: I.v.Calcium gluconate

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