
Mobile Communication Quiz | Mobile Communication Multiple Choice Questions with Answers

61 While handoffs, the termination of call may be avoided by
[A] Providing Guard channel
[B] Queuing of handoffs
[C] Both a & b
[D] None of the above
Answer: Both a & b
62 Dwell time is the time for
[A] A call within the cell
[B] Hand off
[C] Waiting for channel allocation
[D] None of the above
Answer: A call within the cell


63 Dwell time depends upon
[A] Interference
[B] Distance between the subscriber and the base station
[C] Propagation of call
[D] All of the above
Answer: All of the above
64 In Mobile Assisted Handoff (MAHO), the handoff takes place when
[A] The power received by the mobile station from other base station is more than the serving base station
[B] The channel allocated is not available
[C] The mobile station has no signal
[D] All of the above
Answer: The power received by the mobile station from other base station is more than the serving base station
65 Trunking in a cellular network refers to
[A] Termination of a call
[B] Spectrum unavailability
[C] Accommodating large number of users in limited spectrum
[D] All of the above
Answer: Accommodating large number of users in limited spectrum
66 Umbrella cell approach
[A] Uses large and small cells
[B] Uses different antenna heights
[C] Is used for high speed users with large coverage area and low speed users with small coverage area
[D] All of the above
Answer: All of the above
67 Interference in frequency bands may lead to
[A] Blocked calls
[B] Cross talk
[C] Missed calls
[D] All of the above
Answer: All of the above
68 Grade of service refers to
[A] Accommodating large number of users in limited spectrum
[B] Ability of a user to access trunked system during busy hour
[C] Two calls in progress in nearby mobile stations
[D] High speed users with large coverage area
Answer: Ability of a user to access trunked system during busy hour
69 Traffic intensity is expressed in
[A] Erlangs
[B] λ/ sec
[C] Erlangs /MHz /km2
[D] dB/sec
Answer: Erlangs
70 The techniques used to improve the capacity of cellular systems are
[A] Coverage zone approach
[B] Splitting
[C] Sectoring
[D] All of the above
Answer: All of the above

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