
Radiology Quiz | Radiology Multiple Choice Questions and Answers

(1) Most sensitive test for metastatic deposit is
[A] Isotope scan
[B] CT Scan
[C] Skeletal survey
[D] Tomography
Answer: CT Scan
(2) Water soluble contrast media used for myelography is
[A] Metrizamide
[B] Dianosil
[C] Conray
[D] Iohexol
Answer: Metrizamide
(3) Osteosclerotic bone secondaries are seen in
[A] Carcinoma thyroid
[B] Carcinoma prostate
[C] Carcinoma stomach
[D] Carcinoma lung
Answer: Carcinoma prostate
(4) The “Target Sign” sonographically means
[A] Ovarian carcinoma
[B] Ectopic kidney
[C] Intussusception
[D] Liver metastasis
Answer: Intussusception
(5) “Sentinel loop” appearance on X-ray is seen
[A] Acute pancreatitis
[B] Chronic pancreatitis
[C] Intestinal obstruction
[D] Acute appendicitis
Answer: Acute pancreatitis
(6) X-rays are modified
[A] Protons
[B] Electrons
[C] Neutrons
[D] Positrons
Answer: Electrons
(7) Echoenecpahalography is most useful for detecting
[A] Ventricular dilatation
[B] Midline shift
[C] Epilepsy
[D] Vascular lesions
Answer: Ventricular dilatation
(8) Signs of increased intracranial tension in a child in a skull X-ray
[A] Separation of the sutures
[B] Tense anterior fontanelle
[C] Silver beaten appearance of the bones
[D] All of the above
Answer: All of the above
(9) Medusa lock appearance in X- ray seen in
[A] ascariasis
[B] Tapeworm
[C] Hookworm
[D] Ascaris and tapeworm
Answer: ascariasis
(10) Angle of trachea is increased in which chamber of heart enlargement
[A] Left atrium
[B] Right atrium
[C] Left ventricle
[D] Right ventricl
Answer: Left atrium
(11) Solitary nodule lung cannot be
[A] Tuberculoma
[B] Neurofibroma
[C] Bronchogenic carcinoma
[D] Lymphoma
Answer: Lymphoma
(12) Best mode of imaging for suspected uric acid calculi is
[A] Plain film of abdomen
[B] Ultrasonography
[C] Intravenous pyelography
[D] Radionuclides
Answer: Ultrasonography
(13) Right side of mediastinal shadow is not formed by
[B] right innominate
[C] RA
[D] RV
Answer: RV
(14) The X-ray finding of small intestinal malabsorption syndrome are all except
[A] Increased transit time
[B] mucosal atrophy
[C] Dilatation of bowel
[D] Flocculation of Barium
Answer: Increased transit time
(15) During angiocardiography the mitral valve is best visualized in the
[A] Frontal view
[B] Lateral view
[C] Right anterior oblique view
[D] None of the above
Answer: Right anterior oblique view
(16) Cystic dilation of collecting tubules are seen in
[A] Adult polycystic kidney
[B] Medullary sponge kidney
[C] Horse shoe shaped kidney
[D] Nephroblastoma
Answer: Medullary sponge kidney
(17) Pericardial calcification is caused by all except
[A] Radiotherapy to the mediastinum
[B] Methysergide therapy
[C] Anticoagulant therapy
[D] Dermatomyositis
Answer: Dermatomyositis
(18) In Urinary tract tuberculosis, frequent finding on plain film of abdomen is
[A] Mass
[B] Ileus
[C] Calcification
[D] Psoas abscess
Answer: Calcification
(19) Diagnosis of aortic calcification is done by fluoroscopy by seeing
[A] Side to side movement
[B] Up and down movement
[C] Combined movement
[D] None
Answer: Side to side movement
(20) The overall heart size in tetralogy of Fallot is usually
[A] Markedly enlarged
[B] Normal or relatively small
[C] Slightly enlarged
[D] Moderately enlarged
Answer: Normal or relatively small