
Radiology Quiz | Radiology Objective Type Questions and Answers

(21) Right border of the heart in a chest X-ray, is not formed by
[A] fVC
[C] Right atrium
[D] Aorta
Answer: Aorta
(22) Full colonic preparation of Barium Enema is contra indicated in all except
[A] Acute exacerbation of ulcerative colitis
[B] Irritable bowel syndrome
[C] Hirschsprung’s disease
[D] Colonic obstruction
Answer: Irritable bowel syndrome
(23) Laminated appearance of X-ray is suggestive of
[A] Ewing’s sarcoma
[B] Osteoid osteoma
[C] Osteoclastoma
[D] Multiple myeloma
Answer: Ewing’s sarcoma
(24) Notching of Ribs is seen in
[A] Tuberculosis
[C] Coarctation of aorta
[D] Bronchiectasis
Answer: Coarctation of aorta
(25) Interosseous skeletal tumour is best diagnosed by
[A] Plain X-ray
[C] CT scan
[D] CT with scintiscan
Answer: NMR
(26) Investigation of choice in Traumatic paraplegia is
[B] CT Scan
[C] Myelography
[D] Spine X – ray
Answer: MRI
(27) Sun ray appearance is seen in
[A] Osteoclastoma
[B] Fibrous dysplasia
[C] Osteosarcoma
[D] Chondrosarcoma
Answer: Osteosarcoma
(28) Calcification of meniscal cartilage is a feature of
[A] Acromegaly
[B] Hyperparathyroidism
[C] Reiter’s syndrome
[D] Pseudo gout
Answer: Pseudo gout
(29) Basal ganglia calcification is not seen in
[A] Wilson’s disease
[B] Berry anerurysm
[C] Cysticercosis
[D] Hemangioma
Answer: Wilson’s disease
(30) Egg shell calcification in hilar region is seen in
[A] Penumoconiosis
[B] T. B.
[C] Sarcoidosis
[D] Aneurysms
Answer: Penumoconiosis
31 Gas in biliary tract is not due to
[A] Perforated gastric ulcer
[B] Necrotizing enterocolitis
[C] Biliary surgery
[D] Post-gastrectomy
Answer: Perforated gastric ulcer
32 Increased radiolucency of one sided hemithorax may be caused by all except
[A] Obstructive emphysema
[B] Pneumothorax
[C] Expiratory film
[D] Patient rotation
Answer: Expiratory film
33 Saw tooth appearance on abdominal X-ray is seen in
[A] Prediverticular state
[B] Multiple polyposis
[C] Spastic colon
[D] Ischemic enteritis
Answer: Multiple polyposis
34 Contrast used for MRI
[B] Radium
[C] Iridium
Answer: GDPA
35 Notching of ribs on X- ray is seen in
[C] Ebsteins anomaly
[D] Coarctation of aorta
Answer: Coarctation of aorta
36 AH are features of Medulloblas toma except
[A] Radio resistant
[B] Highly radio sensitive
[C] Occurs in first decade
[D] Coarctation of aorta
Answer: Radio resistant
37 Widening of the C loop in X-ray is diagnostic of
[A] Chronic pancreatitis
[B] Carcinoma head of pancreas
[C] Periampullary carcinoma
[D] Calculi in the ampulla of vater
Answer: Carcinoma head of pancreas
38 Scalloping of the edges of sigmoid colon on barium enema is seen in
[A] Diverticulitis
[B] Crohn’s disease
[C] Pneumatosis intestinalis
[D] Ulcerative colitis
Answer: Pneumatosis intestinalis
39 Characteristics of Benign tumour of lung in X -ray is
[A] Size > 5 cms diameter
[B] Cavitation
[C] Peripheral location
[D] Concentric dense calcification
Answer: Concentric dense calcification.
40 Best imaging modality to diagnose liver mass is
[A] Plain film
[B] Angiography
[C] C. T. Scan
[D] Nuclear Scan
Answer: Nuclear Scan