Contrast used in liver scan is
Answer: 1131 Rose Bengal
Answer: 1131 Rose Bengal
Answer: Carcinoid Syndrome
Answer: Calcified pineal gland
Answer: Craniopharyngioma
Answer: CBD stones at the distal end of the CBD
Answer: Collecting tubules
Answer: Apical mass lesion with erosion of neck of 1 & 2 ribs
Answer: Post clinoid erosion
Answer: Imaging perfusion of brain
Answer: All of the above
Answer: IVP
Answer: colour Doppler ultrasonography
Answer: Lingular pathology
Answer: ASD
Answer: Loss of muscle and fat planes
Answer: Diaphragmatic hernia
Answer: Candidiasis
Answer: Rupture of subpleural blebs
Answer: CT Scan
Answer: Thallium