
RBI MCQs | Reserve Bank of India Multiple Choice Questions(MCQs) & Answers

(1) On which commission’s recommendations; Reserve Bank of India was established?
[A] Chamberlain Commission
[B] Hilton Young Commission
[C] Keynes Commission
[D] None of the above
Answer: Hilton Young Commission
(2) Who mints the coins in India?
[A] Ministry of Finance
[B] Reserve Bank of India
[C] Prime Minister's Office
[D] Commerce and Industry Ministry
Answer: Ministry of Finance


(3) Who was the first governor of Reserve Bank of India from Indian origin?
[A] Osborne Smith
[B] C. Rajagopalachari
[C] L. K. Jha
[D] C.D. Deshmukh
Answer: C.D. Deshmukh
(4) What is CRR?
[A] Cash Reserve Ratio
[B] Current Ratio Rate
[C] Review Report
[D] Credit Rating Record
Answer: Cash Reserve Ratio
(5) Where is the Head Quarter of Reserve Bank of India?
[A] Mumbai
[B] Delhi
[C] Kolkotta
[D] Ahmedabad
Answer: Mumbai
(6) When was the second phase of nationalisation done?
[A] 9th July 1969
[B] 10th July 1968
[C] 16th August 1985
[D] 15th April, 1980
Answer: 15th April, 1980
(7) When was Indian Banking Act come into force?
[A] 1948
[B] 1949
[C] 1950
[D] 1951
Answer: 1949
(8) When was OMBUDS MEN SCHEME first introduced?
[A] November 2006
[B] October 1981
[C] June 1995
[D] January 1998
Answer: June 1995
(9) The period for Call Money is ________
[A] 10 to 15days
[B] 1 to 14 Days
[C] 15 to 30 Days
[D] One Month
Answer: 1 to 14 Days
(10) ATMs that are owned and managed by non-banking entities are known as -
[A] Red Label ATMs
[B] White Label ATMs
[C] Green Label ATMs
[D] Blue Label ATMs
Answer: White Label ATMs
(11) The tax levied by Central Government and collected by State Governmentis ________
[A] Stamp Duty
[B] Excise Duty
[C] Income Tax
[D] Gift Tax
Answer: Stamp Duty
(12) The share of State Govt in the capital of Regional Rural Bank is –
[A] 50%
[B] 35%
[C] 25%
[D] 15%
Answer: 15%
(13) The largest revenue in India is obtained from __________
[A] Railways
[B] Excise Duty
[C] Sales Tax
[D] Direct Taxes
Answer: Excise Duty
(14) The tax levied by Local Governments i.e. Municipal Corporations and municipalities is ____________
[A] Income Tax
[B] Wealth Tax
[C] House Tax
[D] Gift Tax
Answer: House Tax
(15) In which denomination were India's first bimetallic coins issued in the year 2009?
[A] Rs. 100
[B] Rs. 5
[C] Rs. 10
[D] Re. 1
Answer: Rs. 10
(16) What is the major share in revenue of State Governments?
[A] Stamp Duty
[B] Excise Duty
[C] Sales Tax
[D] Income Tax
Answer: Sales Tax
(17) The tax collected by the State Governments and given to local bodies is __________
[A] Income Tax
[B] Wealth Tax
[C] House Tax
[D] Professional Tax
Answer: Pseudoviruses
(18) Who regulates the money circulation in India?
[A] State Bank of India
[B] Reserve Bank of India
[D] Commercial Banks
Answer: Reserve Bank of India
(19) Which of the following is not an organized sector in India?
[A] Nationalised Banks
[B] Regional Rural Banks
[C] Cooperative Banks
[D] Chits and Money lenders
Answer: Chits and Money lenders
(20) Who introduced the Banking Ombudsmen Scheme?
[C] Ministry of Finance
Answer: ARBI

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