
School Management MCQs | School Management Short Questions and Answers

41 High and low achievers are sorted out by?
[A] Discrimination power
[B] Ease or difficulty
[C] Objectivity
[D] Reliability
Answer: Discrimination power
42 The main purpose of the supervision of teaching should be the
[A] Proper utilization of school facilities
[B] Carrying out of the curriculum
[C] Achievement of success in examination
[D] Advacement of pupil welfare
Answer: Advacement of pupil welfare


43 Supervision sould be primarily
[A] Constructive and creative
[B] Prevtive and critical
[C] Preventive and corrective
[D] Construction and critical
Answer: Constructive and creative
44 The criticism most frequently leveled at school administration is that:
[A] They fail to provide leadership
[B] They like praise
[C] They are to lazy
[D] They do not know teacher
Answer: They fail to provide leadership
45 The effective supervision is indicated by
[A] Helping teachers becoming more self sufficient
[B] Good relations between teacher and supervisors
[C] Helping teacher in their teaching
[D] Criticizing teacher’s lessons
Answer: Helping teachers becoming more self sufficient
46 The school policy should be determined by:
[A] Citizens and educators
[B] The professional educators
[C] Headmasters
[D] Citizens d
Answer: Citizens and educators
47 The history of administration goes back to
[A] 4000BC
[B] 800BC
[C] 5000 BC
[D] None
Answer: 5000 BC
48 Provision of good educational environment is
[A] Non instrucitonal tasks
[B] Instrucional tasks
[C] Both a and b
[D] None of the above
Answer: Instrucional task
49 Democratic administration is based on
[A] Mutual sharing
[B] Dictatorship
[C] Non interference
[D] None of the above
Answer: Mutual sharing
50 Laissez Faire administration is based on
[A] Non interference
[B] Dictatorship
[C] Mutual sharing
[D] None
Answer: Non interference
51 “Supervision is not to control the teacher but to work cooperatively” is the saying of
[A] Glatthorn
[B] Harris
[C] Hoy and Forsyth
[D] None
Answer: Hoy and Forsyth
52 In teaching learning process supervision is usually carried out by
[A] Teacher
[B] Parents
[C] Principal
[D] Society
Answer: Principal
53 Assessment of how well a school is performing is
[A] Inspection
[B] Administration
[C] Supervision
[D] All of the above
Answer: Inspection
54 To make arrangements is the part of
[A] Organizing
[B] Planning
[C] Commanding
[D] Coordinating
Answer: Organizing
55 Execution of plans and decisions is the part of
[A] Commanding
[B] Planning
[C] Organizing
[D] Coordinating
Answer: Commanding
56 School Budgert includes
[A] Non development expenditure
[B] Development expendciture
[C] Both an and b
[D] None of a and b
Answer: Both an and b
57 BM stands for
[A] Budget Manual
[B] Budget Money
[C] Budget Monitoring
[D] Budget Materials
Answer: Budget Manual
58 Non development budget includes
[A] Maintenance of building
[B] Salaries
[C] Running ependitures
[D] All of the above
Answer: All of the above
59 New Libraries laboratories etc are constructed undr
[A] Development Budget
[B] Non development budget
[C] Both a and b
[D] None
Answer: Development Budget
60 Facility index of an item determines?
[A] Discrimination power
[B] Objectivity
[C] Reliability
[D] Ease or difficulty
Answer: Ease or difficulty

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