
Soil Pollution MCQs | Soil Pollution Multiple Choice Questions and Answers

(1) In which temperature soil develops slowly?
[A] Summer
[B] Wind
[C] Rainy
[D] Cold
Answer: Cold
(2) What is called for the matured soils which are arranged in a series of zones?
[A] Soil zones
[B] Soil layers
[C] Soil horizons
[D] Soil benches
Answer: Soil horizons


(3) What is soil profile?
[A] A cross sectional view of the horizons in a soil
[B] A front view of the horizons in a soil
[C] A cross sectional view of the horizons in rocks
[D] A front view of the horizons in rocks
Answer: A cross sectional view of the horizons in a soil
(4) How many horizons are there in soils?
[A] One
[B] Two
[C] Three
[D] Four
Answer: Four
(5) What is called for the mixture of all the contents of soil?
[A] Erosion
[B] Sublimation
[C] Degradation
[D] Loams
Answer: Loams
(6) Why area treatment is important for soil?
[A] To reduces the impact of raindrops on the soil
[B] To maximize surface run-off
[C] Not treating the upper catchment and proceeds towards an outlet
[D] Not storing surplus rainwater
Answer: To reduces the impact of raindrops on the soil
(7) Why continuous contour trenches are used?
[A] To decrease the infiltration of air
[B] To enhance the infiltration of air
[C] To decrease the infiltration of water
[D] To enhance the infiltration of water
Answer: To enhance the infiltration of water
(8) Hue denotes
[A] Dominant spectrum
[B] Lightness or brightness
[C] Purity
[D] Intensity
Answer: Dominant spectrum
(9) Which fertilizer produce acidity in soil
[A] Sodium nitrate
[B] Calcium ammonium nitrate
[C] Platelets
[D] Calcium nitrate
Answer: Ammonium sulfate
(10) Rock phosphate has P2O5
[A] 10-20%
[B] 20-40%
[C] 30-50 %
[D] 20-30%
Answer: 20-40%
(11) The phenomenon slickenside found in which soil
[A] Inceptisol
[B] Vertisol
[C] Gelisol
[D] Spodosol
Answer: Vertisol
(12) Micronutrient flow is mainly a _____ process in soil
[A] Mass flow
[B] Diffusion
[C] Interception
[D] None of the above
Answer: Diffusion
(13) Which factor is more responsible for black colour in kanhar (Vertisol) soil?
[A] Hematite
[B] Titaniferous magnetite
[C] Geotite
[D] Organic matter
Answer: Titaniferous magnetite
(14) Yellow colour appear due to hydration of hematite found in which soil?
[A] Bhata (Entisol)
[B] Dorsa (Alfisol)
[C] Matasi (Inceptisol)
[D] Kanhar (Vertisol)
Answer: Matasi (Inceptisol)
(15) Which Soil order is newly identified in Chhattisgarh?
[A] Entisol
[B] Mollisol
[C] Inceptisol
[D] Vertisoil
Answer: Mollisol
(16) Bhata soil is also known as _____
[A] Clayey
[B] Clay loam
[C] Gravely
[D] Sandy loam
Answer: Gravely
(17) Dorsa soil is also known as _____
[A] Clayey
[B] Clay loam
[C] Gravely
[D] Sandy loam
Answer: Clay loam
(18) Which soil covers maximum area in Chhattisgarh?
[A] Bhata
[B] Matasi
[C] Dorsa
[D] Kanhar
Answer: Matasi
(19) Dorsa soil covers area in Chhattisgarh of total area
[A] 12%
[B] 21%
[C] 39%
[D] 27%
Answer: 27%
(20) Which one is lower category for classification of soil?
[A] Soil order
[B] Family
[C] Soil series
[D] None of the above
Answer: Soil series

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