
Digital Signal Processing Questions and Answers | Digital Signal Processing MCQs

(1) What is the radius of the circle represented by the image of jΩ axis of the s-domain?
[A] 0.75
[B] 0.25
[C] 1
[D] 0.5
Answer: 0.5
(2) The frequency response H(ω) will be considerably distorted with respect to H(jΩ).
[A] True
[B] False
Answer: True
(3) The left half of the s-plane is mapped to which of the following in the z-domain?
[A] Outside the circle |z-0.5|=0.5
[B] Outside the circle |z+0.5|=0.5
[C] Inside the circle |z-0.5|=0.5
[D] Inside the circle |z+0.5|=0.5
Answer: Inside the circle |z-0.5|=0.5
(4) An analog high pass filter can be mapped to a digital high pass filter.
[A] True
[B] False
Answer: False
(5) Which of the following is the correct relation between ‘s’ and ‘z’?
[A] s=(1-z-1)/T
[B] s=1/(1+zT)
[C] s=(1+z-1)/T
[D] none of the mentioned
Answer: s=(1-z-1)/T
(6) Bilinear Transformation is used for transforming an analog filter to a digital filter.
[A] True
[B] False
Answer: True
(7) Which of the following rule is used in the bilinear transformation?
[A] Simpson’s rule
[B] Backward difference
[C] Forward difference
[D] Trapezoidal rule
Answer: Trapezoidal rule
(8) In bilinear transformation, the left-half s-plane is mapped to which of the following in the z-domain?
[A] Entirely outside the unit circle |z|=1
[B] Partially outside the unit circle |z|=1
[C] Partially inside the unit circle |z|=1
[D] Entirely inside the unit circle |z|=1
Answer: Entirely inside the unit circle |z|=1
(9) If s=σ+jΩ and z=re, then what is the condition on σ if r<1?Which of the following is the correct relation between ‘s’ and ‘z’?
[A] σ > 0
[B] σ < 0
[C] σ > 1
[D] σ < 1
Answer: σ < 0
(10) If s=σ+jΩ and z=re and r=1, then which of the following inference is correct?
[A] LHS of the s-plane is mapped inside the circle, |z|=1
[B] RHS of the s-plane is mapped outside the circle, |z|=1
[C] Imaginary axis in the s-plane is mapped to the circle, |z|=1
[D] None of the mentioned
Answer: Imaginary axis in the s-plane is mapped to the circle, |z|=1

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