
Digital Signal Processing Questions and Answers | Digital Signal Processing MCQs

(1) The linear equations for determining {h(n)} from {H(k+α)} are not simplified.
[A] True
[B] False
Answer: False
(2) The major advantage of designing linear phase FIR filter using frequency sampling method lies in the efficient frequency sampling structure.
[A] True
[B] False
Answer: True
(3) Which of the following is introduced in the frequency sampling realization of the FIR filter?
[A] Poles are more in number on unit circle
[B] Zeros are more in number on the unit circle
[C] Poles and zeros at equally spaced points on the unit circle
[D] None of the mentioned
Answer: Poles and zeros at equally spaced points on the unit circle
(4) In a practical implementation of the frequency sampling realization, quantization effects preclude a perfect cancellation of the poles and zeros.
[A] True
[B] False
Answer: True
(5) In the frequency sampling method for FIR filter design, we specify the desired frequency response Hd(ω) at a set of equally spaced frequencies.
[A] True
[B] False
Answer: True
(6) Why is it desirable to optimize frequency response in the transition band of the filter?
[A] Increase side lobe
[B] Reduce side lobe
[C] Increase main lobe
[D] None of the mentioned
Answer: Reduce side lobe
(7) Which of the following filter design is used in the formulation of design of optimum equi ripple linear phase FIR filter?
[A] Butterworth approximation
[B] Chebyshev approximation
[C] Hamming approximation
[D] None of the mentioned
Answer: Chebyshev approximation
(8) If δ2 represents the ripple in the stop band for a chebyshev filter, then which of the following conditions is true?
[A] 1-δ2 ≤ Hr(ω) ≤ 1+δ2;|ω|≤ωs
[B] 1+δ2 ≤ Hr(ω) ≤ 1-δ2;|ω|≥ωs
[C] δ2 ≤ Hr(ω) ≤ δ2;|ω|≤ωs
[D] -δ2 ≤ Hr(ω) ≤ δ2;|ω|≥ωs
Answer: -δ2 ≤ Hr(ω) ≤ δ2;|ω|≥ωs
(9) If the filter has anti-symmetric unit sample response with M even, then what is the value of Q(ω)?
[A] cos(ω/2)
[B] sin(ω/2)
[C] 1
[D] sinω
Answer: sin(ω/2)
(10) It is convenient to normalize W(ω) to unity in the stop band and set W(ω)=δ2/ δ1 in the pass band.
[A] True
[B] False
Answer: True

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