
Organic Chemistry Questions and Answers – Bond Cleavage | Organic Chemistry Multiple Choice Questions and Answers

(1) When a bond is dissociated, what is the change in energy in surrounding?
[A] Energy is absorbed
[B] Energy is released
[C] No change in energy
[D] Firstly, energy will be absorbed and then released
Answer: Energy is absorbed
(2) Energy released or absorbed in a chemical bond formation or dissociation is measured in which of the following units?
[A] Kelvin
[B] Joule
[C] Pascal
[D] mol
Answer: Joule
(3) What will be the change in energy for the following reaction?

H2(g)+F2(g)→ 2HF

Given: To break one mole of H2, energy absorbed is 436 kJ. To break one mole of F2, energy absorbed is 158 kJ. To form one moles of HF, energy released is 568 kJ.

[A] 542KJ
[B] -542KJ
[C] 26 KJ
[D] -26 KJ
Answer: -542KJ
(4) Compound undergoing homolytic bond cleavage will lead to formation of which chemical species?
[A] Anion
[B] Cation
[C] Free radical
[D] Atoms
Answer: Free radical
(5) In which form energy is stored in chemical bonds?
[A] Kinetic energy
[B] Chemical energy
[C] Potential energy
[D] Thermal energy
Answer: Potential energy
(6) Which one of the following statements best describes the enthalpy change of a reaction?
[A] The energy released when chemical bonds are formed during a chemical reaction
[B] The energy consumed when chemical bonds are broken during a chemical reaction
[C] The difference between the energy released by bond formation and the energy consumed by bond cleavage during a chemical reaction
[D] The increase in disorder of the system as a reaction proceeds
Answer: The difference between the energy released by bond formation and the energy consumed by bond cleavage during a chemical reaction
(7) Which of the following terms describes a reaction in where more energy is released by bond formation than is consumed by bond cleavage?
[A] Exothermic
[B] Endothermic
[C] Isothermal
[D] Adiabatic
Answer: Exothermic
(8) Which energy is required for homolytic cleavage?
[A] Singlet
[B] Doublet
[C] Triplet
[D] Quadruplet
Answer: Triplet
(9) Which energy is required for heterolytic cleavage?
[A] Singlet
[B] Doublet
[C] Triplet
[D] Quadruplet
Answer: Singlet
(10) How the bond dissociation enthalpy changes as one goes along the series of diatomics Li2, B2, C2, N2, O2 and F2?
[A] Increases
[B] Decreases
[C] Increases then decreases
[D] Decreases then increases
Answer: Increases then decreases