
Organic Chemistry Questions and Answers – Acid Chlorides | Organic Chemistry Multiple Choice Questions and Answers

(1) Which of the following is the name given to the given compound?

Organic Chemistry

[A] Acetyl chloride
[B] Formyl chloride
[C] Chloretone
[D] Oxochloromethane
Answer: Formyl chloride
(2) Benzoyl chloride is prepared from benzoic acid by which of the following?
[A] Cl2, hv
[B] SO2, Cl2
[C] SOCl2
[D] Cl2, H2O
Answer: SOCl2
(3) When formic acid reacts with PCl5 it forms which of the following?
[A] Formyl chloride
[B] Acetyl chloride
[C] Methyl chloride
[D] Propionyl chloride
Answer: Formyl chloride
(4) Laboratory method for the preparation of acetyl chloride is which of the following?
Answer: CH3COOH + SOCl2→CH3COCl
(5) Which of the following gives benzoic acid on oxidation?
[A] Chlorophenol
[B] Chlorotoluene
[C] Chlorobenzene
[D] Benzyl chloride
Answer: Benzyl chloride
(6) What is the product D in the given reaction?

C6H5CCl3 + C6H5CO2H → 2 C6H5COCl + D

[A] Cl2
[B] H2O
[C] HCl
[D] H2
Answer: HCl
(7) What will be the product B in the given reaction?

2 C6H5COCl + H2O2 + 2 NaOH → B + 2 NaCl + 2 H2O

[A] Chlorophenol
[B] Chlorotoluene
[C] Chlorobenzene
[D] Benzyl peroxide
Answer: Benzyl peroxide
(8) What is the product in the given reaction when benzyl chloride reacts with phenol?

[A] Chlorophenol
[B] Benzophenone
[C] Chlorobenzene
[D] Benzyl peroxide
Answer: Benzophenone
(9) Which of the following is the product B when acid chloride reacts with alcohol?

RCOCl + R′OH → B + HCl

[A] Chlorophenol
[B] Ester
[C] Ether
[D] Acetyl chloride
Answer: Ester
(10) For synthesis of carboxylic acid, the intermediate product needed is which of the following?
[A] Acyl chloride
[B] aryls
[C] benzene
[D] carboxylic acid
Answer: Acyl chloride