
Objective Questions & Answers for APSC Sociology Examination | GkSeries

(16) Who has given the concept of ‘reflexive role taking’ ?
1 R. K. Merton
2 Ralph Linton
3 C. H. Cooley
4 G. H. Mead
Answer: G. H. Mead
(17) Which of the following is not a primary group?
1 Family
2 Play group of children
3 Workers is a factory
4 Workers is a factory
Answer: Workers is a factory


(18) In some communities of India, marriage between children of brothers or sisters ispreferred. This type of marriage is called
1 Cross-cousin marriage
2 Parallel- cousin marriage
3 Cross- cousin and parallel-cousin marriage
4 None of the above
Answer: Parallel- cousin marriage
(19) A family which gives freedom to its members to follow either patriliny or matrilinyis called
1 patri-matrilineal
2 duolineal
3 bilineal
4 None of the above
Answer: bilineal
(20) Who has given the functional theory of religion?
1 Harbert Spencer
2 Auguste Comte
3 S. F. Nadel
4 Emile Durkheim
Answer: Emile Durkheim
(21) The basic aim of Hindu marriage is
1 Procreation
2 Dharma
3 Moksha
4 sexual pleasure

Answer: Dharma
(22) Modern families are generally
1 virilocal
2 uxorilocal
3 duolocal
4 neolocal

Answer: neolocal
(23) In Marxian scheme, the two classes, landlords and serfs, of the feudal societychanged into the two new classes, capitalists and proletariats, in the capitalistssociety. This kind of social change is labeled as
1 transformation
2 revolution
3 evolution
4 progress

Answer: transformation
(24) Who is the author of the book, Human Society?
1 Kingsley structure
2 Wilbert E. Moore
3 Robert King Merton
4 G.C. Homans

Answer: Kingsley structure
(25) A set of interrelated social units is called
1 social structure
2 social system
3 social situation
4 social static

Answer: social system
(26) Change of one’s status indicated
1 social mobility
2 social change
3 cultural change
4 occupational change

Answer: social mobility
(27) Who has given the term ‘role-set’?
1 Talcott Parsons
2 Edward Shills
3 R. K. Merton
4 Ralph Linton

Answer: R. K. Merton
(28) Which one of the following phenomena is explained by theory of deprivation?
1 Positive reference group
2 Nonmembership reference group
3 Both of the above
4 None of the above

Answer: Both of the above
(29) Which one is an example of affinalkhinship?
1 Husband-Wife
2 Sister-Sister
3 Brother-Brother
4 father-Son

Answer: Husband-Wife
(30) Who has given the theory of animism about the origin of religion?
1 L. A. Morgan
2 E.B. Tylor
3 Herbert Spencer
4 Auguste Comte

Answer: E.B. Tylor

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