
Zoology Optional Subject Solved Questions & Answers | GkSeries

76 The theory of biogenetic law explains 'ontogeny repeats phyllogeny\ It was propounded by
1 Weissman
2 Lamarck
3 Haeckel
4 Harvey
Answer: Haeckel
77 Derivative of sweat gland is
1 Moll's gland
2 scent gland
3 sebaceous gland
4 mammary gland
Answer: Moll's gland , mammary gland


78 The basis of karyotaxonomy is
1 number of nucleoli
2 sedimentation rate of ribosomes
3 chromosome banding
4 chromosome number
Answer: chromosome number
79 The type of fossil where hard parts like bone or trunks of trees are preserved is known as
1 petrifaction
2 mould
3 compression
4 pseudofossil
Answer: petrifaction
80 Diploblastic acoelomate condition is found in
1 Planaria
2 Rotifer
3 Ascaris
4 sea anemone
Answer: sea anemone
81 Drones in honeybee colony are
1 fertile males
2 fertile females
3 sterile males
4 sterile females

Answer: fertile males
82 Burachapari Wildlife Sanctuary is located in
1 Jorhat district
2 Dibrugarh district
3 Lakhimpur district
4 Sonitpur district

Answer: Sonitpur district
83 The silk thread obtained from silk moth is the product of
1 salivary gland of larvae
2 cuticle of adult
3 cuticle of larva
4 salivary gland of the adult

Answer: salivary gland of larvae
84 Select the one with wrong class
1 Sea star : Asteroidea
2 Sea urchin : Echinoidea
3 Sea cake : Holothuroidea
4 Brittle star : Ophiuroidea

Answer: Sea cake : Holothuroidea
85 Lac is produced as
1 faeces of the lac insect
2 secretion from the body
3 excretion from the body
4 excess food oozing out of the body

Answer: secretion from the body
86 The functional adult kidney of reptile is
1 pronephros
2 metanephros
3 mesonephros
4 50% each of mesonephros and metanephros

Answer: metanephros
87 Obturator foramen in rabbit is present in
1 skull
2 vertebrum
3 pelvic girdle
4 femur

Answer: pelvic girdle
88 Which one of the following is a biologically incompatible marriage?
1 Rh-positive man and Rh-negative woman
2 Rh-negative man and Rh-negative woman
3 Rh-positive man and Rh-positive woman
4 Rh-negative man and Rh-positive woman

Answer: Rh-positive man and Rh-negative woman
89 What was the principal missing element in the Darwin's concept of evolution?
1 Knowledge of heredity and variation
2 Concept of missing links
3 Fossil record
4 Concrete evidence for the operation of natural selection

Answer: Knowledge of heredity and variation
90 Corals are
1 sedentary sponges
2 sedentary cridarians
3 sedentary ascidians
4 free living ctenophorans

Answer: sedentary cridarians

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