
Nobel Prize - General Awareness Multiple Choice Questions and Answers | GK MCQs

(21) Nobel Prize are distributed annually at
[A] Manila
[B] Stockholm
[C] Geneva
[D] New York


Answer: Option [B]

The Nobel Prizes in Physics, Chemistry, Physiology or Medicine and Literature are awarded in Stockholm, Sweden, while the Nobel Peace Prize is awarded in Oslo, Norway.

(22) Who was first Nobel Prize winner in the field of Physics?
[A] CV Raman
[B] Lord Rayleigh
[C] Wilhelm Röntgen
[D] Thomas Alva Edison


Answer: Option [C]
(23) Who won first Nobel Prize in the field of Chemistry?
[A] Hermann Emil Fischer
[B] Sir William Ramsay
[C] Eduard Buchner
[D] Jacobus H. van't Hoff


Answer: Option [D]
(24) Who was first Nobel Prize winner for peace in India?
[A] CV Raman
[B] Mother Teressa
[C] Kailash Satyarthi
[D] Dr. Har Gobind Khorana


Answer: Option [B]
(25) Maximum number of Literature awards goes to __________ language?
[A] English
[B] Portuguese
[C] German
[D] French


Answer: Option [A]

List of Nobel Prize Winners 2017

List of Nobel Prize Winners 2016
