Data Structures and Algorithms MCQs | Objective Questions Answers

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71 ...... is the term used to insert an element into stack?
A Push
B Pull
C Pop
D All of the above

Answer: Option [A]
72 .......... is the term used to delete an element from the stack?
A Push
B Pull
C Pop
D All of the above

Answer: Option [C]
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73 Before inserting into stack one must check the condition.........
A Overflow
B Underflow
C Maximum elements
D Existing elements

Answer: Option [A]
74 Deletion in the linked stack takes place by deleting........
A Beginning of the list
B End of the list
C Middle of the list
D Node pointed by the start process.

Answer: Option [D]
75 The value of REAR is increased by 1 when.......
A An element is merged in a queue
B An element is added in a queue
C An element is traversed in a queue
D An element is deleted in a queue

Answer: Option [B]
76 The operation of processing each element in the list is known as......
A merging
B traversal
C inserting
D sorting

Answer: Option [B]
77 Sequential representation of binary tree uses........
A Array with pointers
B Single linear array
C Two dimensional arrays
D Three dimensional arrays

Answer: Option [A]
78 In a 2-tree, nodes with 0 children are called............
A Outer node
B Exterior node
C External node
D Outside node

Answer: Option [C]
79 In a extended-binary tree nodes with 2 children are called........
A Inner node
B Internal node
C Domestic node
D Interior node

Answer: Option [B]
80 The line drawn from a node N of tree T to a successor is called .......
A Route
B Arrow
C Edge
D Path

Answer: Option [C]
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